Tag Archive | "population"

Why Might A Particular Population Occupy Only The Realized Niche Instead Of Its Fundamental Niche?

This is for my AP Biology Exam Review; the test is tomorrow!

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What Do You Think Of My Book Idea?

Here’s the stupid little paragraph that is supposed to be intriguing.
In a world where nothing is a secret, and you have no place to hide, a failed government plans to eliminate a whole group of individuals that share the common job of finding food for the country’s citizens. In hopes of decreasing the large population that is not able to be contained, in ‘benefit of the whole country’, this planned homicide is aired across every home, as every citizen is put into a state of hysteria. The only thing that lingers on everyone’s mind, is the hanging question. How to survive until the population is decreased enough to have the food provided for them once again b y the government. The stores and markets will be out of food soon, as many will run to pack up on food that will most likely not last. The hope will be vague, but many will still have the urge to kill others for a single loaf of bread that they could take home to their awaiting starving family. But what if some are not playing their game? Just… Just what if some are planning to die to be able to live? And if so, who will see the next day? Those that choose to fight for food, or those that do not?
So, what do you think?

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Explain In What Way The Realised Niche Could Be Regarded As Flexible?

The realized niche is a subset of the characteristics of the fundamental niche, as a result of competition from another species, or just plain not having all of the characteristics of the fundamental niche in the local environment.
As such, the realized niche is going to fluctuate if the population(s) of the competitors fluctuate(s). Or, something like climate change can change the local environment, and change what resources are available at all.

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What Is Niche Marketing?

Aiming your marketing efforts to a very small buyer population (like “smokers” or “bowlers”). If I sell bowling balls, it is too expensive to advertise in Time Magazine. My money is better spent in Bowlers Monthly Magazine.

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One Biology Question.?

3. Ecosystems, biotic factors, and abiotic factors make up the _________.

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Why Do Afghan Pashtuns Hang Around More With Persians Than Pakistani Pashtuns?

The majority of the Pashtun Population live in Pakistan. Most Pashtuns are ‘Pakistani’.
But what I have noticed with Afghans born abroad (Or from Afghanistan) is that they seem to be very affiliated with Persians & Hang Around With Them and are more involved in their communities than they are with Pakistani Pashtuns –
Whereas Pashtun Pakistani’s generally hang around more with other Pakistani’s or even Indians.
So I just found it confusing because they are both basically the same (Except for countries) – So why is there so much segregation between Afghan Pashtuns & Paki Pashtuns? Anyone who can fill me in on some clarification – I will be greatful.

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