Tag Archive | "Ecosystems"

Anybody Know Anything About Biology?

1. Competition for food cannot occur…
A. Between two populations.
B. Among members of the same population.
C. Among populations whose niches overlap.
D. Between animals from two different ecosystems.

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I Need Help About Ecosystems?!?!?

I Need Help About Ecosystems?!?!?
i have an assignment due tomorrow!! i need help!! i need to write an essay or poem about a what should i do!?? can you explain or give an example!! im in 7th grade also. I need to talk about population,ecosystems, biomes,abiotic, community, habitat, niche.

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One Biology Question.?

3. Ecosystems, biotic factors, and abiotic factors make up the _________.

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In Relation To Biology And The Study Of Ecosystems, What Is Meant By The Term “niche”?

the relational position of a species or population in its ecosystem to each other; e.g. a dolphin could potentially be in another ecological niche from one that travels in a different pod if the members of these pods utilize significantly different food resources and foraging methods.
A shorthand definition of niche is how an organism makes a living.
The ecological niche describes how an organism or population responds to the distribution of resources and competitors (e.g., by growing when resources are abundant, and when predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it in turn alters those same factors (e.g., limiting access to resources by other organisms, acting as a food source for predators and a consumer of prey).

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