Tag Archive | "phrase"

How Do Find Market Samurai Golden Keywords?

I have been using Market Samurai to try to find a keyword phrase for a niche site. following the Golden Keywords I have had no luck producing any results. Does anyone have some suggestions?

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How Much Can I Make For A 660000 Like Facebook Fan Page?

It has no real niche, it is just a phrase that a lot of people relate to and I have been quite inactive for a long time but am starting to improve the page at the moment. I’m not sure whether I want to sell it but I was just wandering if i wanted to, what a fair price would be for this amount of fans?

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Adding Phrases To My Website For Seo?

I’m rewriting the content for my lead generation property website which is voluntarily down (because the current host is in Indonesia or somewhere and load times are pathetic!!).
For my new content and site, I have been asked to add the key phrases into the content of the site but just cant seem to put the phrases in because they are grammatically incorrect (even so, they are the most searched for phrases in the niche i work).
Does the phrase in the content have to match EXACTLY or can i change “Sell House Now” to “Sell MY House Now”?
Any help would be great!!!!!

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Have You Measure Your Long Tail Keywords Opportunity?

Have you ever measure the opportunity a keyword gives you. Off course you did, but only for short phrase keywords. These are most popular, competent keywords in your niche. It is hard to catch the target of these keywords against your competitors. If you are new in line then this would be impossible for you. Do you know that google get every day 20% unique search quries? Every 5th query is totally unique and never searches before. This means visitors change their searching strategies, keywords every day almost. This means to rely on specific keywords is not worthy any more. Try new experience with long phrase keywords.

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Customary Opening Line To Group Prayer (christian)?

I will be visiting a religiously-affiliated school today for a meeting and as is customary, will likely be asked to lead a quick group prayer before we begin. I’d like to thank my hosts, wishing us all great health, happiness, and guidance as we venture forth together but I’m unsure of how to begin the prayer…
I recall from previous experiences of this nature, the person leading the prayer saying one short phrase beforehand (I believe addressing God), the group repeating back something along the lines of, “…And to you as well…” and then the prayer getting under way.
My question is, what is that brief line the prayer leader says beforehand, and is that even necessary? I certainly don’t want to offend by beginning the prayer in the wrong fashion if there’s a specific line I’m to say beforehand.
But I specifically remember group prayers of this nature beginning with a quick line by the prayer’s leader, I believe to the The Father, and then the group repeating back “..and with you..” before the leader of the prayer continued. Any recall what that brief introductory line is?

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Is This Right English..?

is “general niche” a correct phrase? i read an article written by someone, with this phrase. please tell me!

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