Tag Archive | "personalities"

What Would Be A Good Career For Me?

Hi, I am an 18 y/o guy who should start deciding on a major for college but I have no idea what to do.
Here’s my personality:
– Outgoing, but also like some alone time sometimes.
– I stress a lot, and struggle to work well when stressed.
– Do not really like routine work.
– I am a bit organized (but I can’t stand accounting!)
– I love to travel.
– I am a hard worker
– I don’t really like orders and commands
– I can work with people, but not too friendly person sometimes.
– I love acting (but there’s too many actors already)
– Not really a risk taker. (like to play it safe)
– Good with unfolding things (i.e Secrets, personalities)
– Don’t like working with money (just spending)
– Don’t like people who lie. (Can’t become a lawyer)
– I like making things like gift cards (i.e creating it’s layout on the computer)
– I love photo shopping (it calms me)
– I like creating magazine covers, posters, etc just for fun.
– Don’t really like physical sciences.
– Perfectionist (but tolerant if something is not right)
I thought of the following careers:
– Marketing/Advertising careers
– Pharmacist
I really don’t know what else will work for me…..
Please HELP!!

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All Of My Friends Have Found Their Own “niche”, But I Just Don’t Know Who I Am. Someone Help?

I am a 21 year old college student, and I am “just there”. My friends all play a part in the mixture of personalities and interests, but I have nothing. People often comment (even though it’s jokingly it’s true), on the fact that I have no talents. I do poorly in school, have a lot of financial stress, and it’s hard for me to focus on developing some sort of hobby or talent. I’m not athletic, I used to play trumpet but was awful and don’t play anymore, I’m out of shape, and all I’m good for is partying with everyone. What should I do?

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Do Humans Have More Environmental Constraints Than Animals?

I am doing an assignment for my psychology class.
It is about the development of the personality due to social niches.
In simplified terms, when an animal asserts a certain role, others will look for a different role they are good at which leads to the development of a variety of personalities.
Animals occupy the same niche, they automatically fill different roles to avoid competition and be recognized. This is what is behind social niche personality specialization.
Do you think animals or humans have more environmental constraints?

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