Tag Archive | "oxygen"

Science. Science. Science.?

1. The organisms of one species living together in the same place at the same time are a ____.
all of the above
2. Which process uses oxygen in plants, algae, and animals? (1 point)
3. During photosynthesis, light energy becomes ____ energy. (1 point)
soil life
4. Which of the following eats consumers?
5. Nitrogen in the soil is used by ____.
both a and b
neither a nor b
6. As you move upward, from level to level, in an energy pyramid, energy ____. (1 point)
stays at the same level
is destroyed
7. Of the following, which is NOT a freshwater ecosystem? (1 point)
8. The portion of Earth that supports life is called the ____________________.
9. The burrow a chipmunk digs under a patio stone is an example of a(n) ____________________.
(1 point)
10. Organisms that can use the energy from an outside source such as the Sun to create energy-rich molecules are called ____________________.
11. A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit is called ____________________.
12. Average weather conditions over time are called ____________________.
(1 point)
Short Answer
13. Compare and contrast a community and an ecosystem.
14. Why must a producer be at the base of every food chain?
15. Describe the relationship between CO2 and oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. How does this benefit both plants and animals?
16. Compare a climax community to a pioneer species.
17. List at least three ways in which grassland and tundra biomes are similar.

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Where Does That Leave Us Now?

So i read that that in wine fermentations yeasts prefrentially produce ethanol (ie anaerobic fermentation) even when oxygen is present to inhibit the growth of other resident yeast that might compete.
however this would not be true since Saccharomyces still produces ethanol when no other microorganisms are around. So much for niche specialisation and competition
So where does that leave us now? im so confused and i have an exam in 3 days oO

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Backyard Ponds Are For Birds, Butterflies, Frogs, Fish, And You And Your Family?

In a pond, plants need to be a mix of emergent, submerging, and floating species. Emergent plants, those that have their roots in the water but their shoots above water, can be added to the edges of pools. These include cattails, arrowhead, and water lilies and are homes to many species of animals. Submerging species, or those that remain under water such as elodea, are often used as oxygenators. These are plants that remove carbon dioxide from the water and add oxygen. These plants are essential in most ponds to keep the water clear. Floating species or those that are not anchored at all in the pond include plants such as duckweed, water lettuce, and water hyacinth. While not as effective as oxygenators, these plants help keep the water clear by limiting the amount of sunlight that algae receive. The algae can not survive without a lot of sunlight.
1. According to this passage, what is the niche of “submerging” plants in a pond?
A. help keep the water clear
B. add oxygen to the water
C. provides food for the fish
D. reduce the amount of algae
2. Consider the relationships between the birds, frogs, fish and plants. What level of organization in ecology is this passage describing?
A. biosphere
B. biome
C. community
D. population
3. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Emergent plants provide homes to many animals.
B. Oxygenators are essential to life in a pond.
C. Algae can cause water to be contaminated.
D. Plants provide many resources to life in a pond.

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Read The Passage; Can U Help Please :)?

Read the passage, then read each question below the passage. In the answer area number from 1 – 3 and report the letter of the correct answer for each question.
Backyard ponds are for birds, butterflies, frogs, fish, and you and your family. In a pond, plants need to be a mix of emergent, submerging, and floating species. Emergent plants, those that have their roots in the water but their shoots above water, can be added to the edges of pools. These include cattails, arrowhead, and water lilies and are homes to many species of animals. Submerging species, or those that remain under water such as elodea, are often used as oxygenators. These are plants that remove carbon dioxide from the water and add oxygen. These plants are essential in most ponds to keep the water clear. Floating species or those that are not anchored at all in the pond include plants such as duckweed, water lettuce, and water hyacinth. While not as effective as oxygenators, these plants help keep the water clear by limiting the amount of sunlight that algae receive. The algae can not survive without a lot of sunlight.
1. According to this passage, what is the niche of “submerging” plants in a pond?
A. help keep the water clear
B. add oxygen to the water
C. provides food for the fish
D. reduce the amount of algae
2. Consider the relationships between the birds, frogs, fish and plants. What level of organization in ecology is this passage describing?
A. biosphere
B. biome
C. community
D. population
3. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Emergent plants provide homes to many animals.
B. Oxygenators are essential to life in a pond.
C. Algae can cause water to be contaminated.
D. Plants provide many resources to life in a pond.

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Is A Crayfish A Generalist Or A Specialist (niches)?

Depends on your crayfish.
My pets were Louisiana crawdads. These guys are generalists — omnivorous, able to live in a variety of water quality (by pulling air into the gills when living in low oxygen situations), able to live in a variety of water temperatures and flow rates. They can make short overland trips too.
Some other species of crayfish aren’t as hardy.

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Some Biology Questions.?

(1) ____ is an overbundance of nutrients that leads to excessive plant growth and reduction of oxygen in an ecosystem?
(2)which of these biomes recives the greatest amount of yearly rainfall?
-boreal forest
-temperate forests
-tropical forests
(3) An organism’s position within a food web is know as its?
-tropic level
(4) Hydrothermal vent communities lack photosynthetic organisms at the base of the food web?
(5) the rigid, outer layer of earth is referred to as the asthenosphere?
(6) in commensalism, one species benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed?

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