Tag Archive | "offer"

Victoria’s Secret Pink Nation App?

So i got the PINK Nation app from the android market and so far i’ve gotten puppy love badges for sharing with facebook, winning 10 scramble games in a row, scratching off an offer, signing into facebook and joining pink nation. I want the rest of the badges but i have no clue how to unlock them. Does anyone else know or have the app?

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Victoria’s Secret Pink Nation App?

So i got the PINK Nation app from the android market and so far i’ve gotten puppy love badges for sharing with facebook, winning 10 scramble games in a row, scratching off an offer, signing into facebook and joining pink nation. I want the rest of the badges but i have no clue how to unlock them. Does anyone else know or have the app?

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Is There Any Future Of Online Marketing/affiliate Marketing..?

We want to use our Affiliate Marketing skill set to develop a long term business, rather than just being a middle man. Although that’s been the convenience of being an Affiliate Marketer, but at the same time you don’t want to stress about depending on one product or one offer. You want to have a customer base you can count on. For example, in Diet space instead of a top 10 diet pill review site, like many people are doing, you might want to check out doing a free diet program. That might sound overwhelming, when you think of sites like SparkPeople and eDiets, but you don’t have to go all out and make it perfect. Just start with good and then go great. For example, a free diet program, that can even be online training, like videos on how to eat, just providing value.
This actually more fun than looking at your competitors and doing the same kind of review sites that they do because they’re too scared. The point of all this is to sell affiliate stuff on the back end. And of course, since you’re developing a customer base on the front end, you’re collecting those leads which means you can sell them, including your own products later on. You can even sell the list if you want. I’m not into selling lists because I think the list is about the relationship you have with them but some people do that and it adds to their bottom line.
Another example offer free training videos on your topic and its sub niches. This is something I’m doing on WebHosting break. For example, people who are starting a website, they may be curious about WordPress or SEO, SEM, PPC, PPV all that stuff, and want to know where to turn. When you’re at our level, in terms of our skill set, its easy to forget the level we were at once. It’s easy to forget how much value you can provide. Its easy to forget that you could help some people out by sharing information you already know.

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Earlier I Asked Why Would You Not Buy From Best Buy’s Thru An Affiliate Site?

If you clicked on the Best Buy’s link and you saw that it was indeed the real deal by redirecting to you to the official Best Buy site, would you still object to buying something from Best Buy’s thru an affiliate link? Did you know that many affiliate sites are created to help people find what they want and many are honest and they are not out to scam your personal info. Many affiliate sites provide a good service to those who are looking for deals and offer comparison shopping. Would you say this is a fair statement. After all, did you know that Best Buys encourages and allows affiliates to promote their stores and products. If you had an affiliate site how would convey to your readers that your site is not a scam site and if you were trying to sell something would you also want people to buy from you?

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I Need Help, Redirection Problem?

I ran into some trouble
I had some cpa offers on my right. I wanted to redirect them so google doesn’t see that huge url so I made a blank page. I installed this page redirect plugin where you can tell it where the page will redirect to. I made a page called fusioncash1 and changed where the CPA banner links to so it would go to inside-home-based-business.com/fusioncas… and then after that I just tried loading my homepage , inside-home-based-business.com, it keeps redirecting to that page for some reason. I don’t know what to do. I deleted that fusion cash page and it still redirects.
I wanted to redirect a different banner like I did with the first one one that worked successfully when I tried to do it with the second banner everything BLEW up on me.
i looked at the bottom where you put the url redirect that it does a 301 redirect. There is an option to do a 302 redirect. Could that be the problem? As far as I recall when I successfully redirected the first CPA banner I checked the permalink right above where you write the page post and it said inside-home-based-business.com/survey1. And when I clicked on that banner it went to that page and then to the affiliate page as it should be. I think when I clicked update on the second page that I was going to use for redirecting the second banner, the permalink changed to the full address of the CPA offer . It didn’t have what I had for the first one witch was inside-home-based-business.com/survey1. I would type my home page address and it was going to the offer.
I need HELP. How do I fix this redirect problem?
It won’t go to my main home page anymore. I’m freaking out.
Other pages work find like http://inside-home-based-business.com/about

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Affiliate Marketing 101-8 – How to Promote Just Any Product

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Affiliate marketing is a profession. Just like any marketer, a professional affiliate marketer should be prepared to promote just any product without prior experience with the related market. Sometimes it is a way to meet your monthly cap, you need to win a contest, or you find an under-promoted product that corresponds to a huge market but you just don’t understand why it is neglected. As you might have already learned, finding the market should be done before finding the product. In our case we just have to invert the process and do it backwards in this respect.

First of all, and before you start bidding on keywords or buying traffic, we need to have an idea who needs this product. Say you are stuck with a hosting offer and you want to promote it because of the high commission but you’d never been in the hosting market. You’ll need to come up with an idea about who might need hosting? Say you picked small businesses, network marketers, and a student union. Now you have to take them one by one and find out more about each market.

Once again, say you want to get small businesses to buy hosting from you. Divide that category into businesses that already have a website and those who’d never had one before. To approach the first group you need to investigate about their current hosting company and make sure that the company you are promoting is offering more, like more space, more bandwidth, easy to use, harder to hack… etc. If you can as well save them money your chances of getting them to transfer to buy your offer will be higher.

Since you are doing every thing online you’ll need to build a buffer website and make one page target small businesses with hosting with company A, another page for businesses with company B, and so on. Then get each group of companies to see their corresponding page. You can do that via email marketing (not spam marketing) or by advertising a survey page that includes questions about their current hosing and how satisfied they are. Let the survey take them to corresponding page on your buffer website.

Those who’d never had a website before require a different approach. They need to know first what they are missing for not having a website. Those businesses can be reached offline by phone. As you see, if you do your homework by knowing more about the market you can still promote any product. And your start point is: Who needs this product? Tailor your promotion to fit with your market, and pick the traffic that suits your market.

Formal affiliate marketing training, unfortunately, doesn’t exist. The good news is that I have a completely free affiliate marketing training seris posted on my website: http://marketing-online-101.com where I explain it the way I do it.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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