Tag Archive | "nutrients"

Gone For Biology, Desperate Help! :(?

an earthworm lives and reproduces in the soil.though its feeding,secretion, and tunneling activities, the worm adds nutrients and allows air to enter the soil,together these statements describe the earthworms
I was gone the day we got this paper. please explain it to me so i understand the concept. thanks

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What Eats A Venus Fly Trap?

I know that a Venus Fly Trap eats insects to gather the nutrients it needs to sustain life. What eats the Venus Fly Trap get eaten by? Does its niche allow to live and become the top of its food chain?

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Why Do People Get Poed When I Ask This?

Is this a good idea?
I have an idea for making a brand new fruit.
I have dubbed a crapple because of the procedure to make it, and it is as follows.
A person who will not be missed, for example a hooker, a hobo, or an illegal immigrant, will be kidnapped and taken to a secret testing facility. Then, my coworkers will knock them out and split open their stomach. We will then insert an an apple, clog the stomach and seal them up. In a few hours, we shall remove the clog, and allow the have digested apple to pass through the gastric tract. It will them be collected, highly dehydrated, void of all sweetness and nutrients, and we will sterilize it.
We plan to mass market these, under a variety of different names and prices, to create competition. We will patent it, and sell licenses dirt cheap, with many loop holes so we can sue for it back.

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Does Wheatgrass Actually Work And Why Can’t The Naysayers Be Emailed Or Messaged?!?

I’m so sick of people saying that wheatgrass is bogus but I’m also sick of people saying that it works! Which one is it?! I know for a fact that the naysayers have some kind of affiliation with the government including money hungry pharmaceutical companies who want this stuff to fail. It’s also funny how you can’t message these people or e mail them as if they don’t exist. I took my first 2 oz shot of wheatgrass today from a whole foods market and I got a slight headache with some body pains and nausea. Why?! Because it was working! My whole life consuming whatever I wanted and then this shot of wheatgrass makes me feel bad! It hurt because it was working! People assume it’s a negative pain but it’s not, it’s the body cleansing and healing itself from the useful nutrients. Please don’t answer if you can’t be reached because I say now, “Go f%ck yourself!” Try to sell your bogus remedies to people who can be easily manipulated and scammed. That’s what they’re trying to do, discredit a working product to sell there’s or somebody else’s they’re affiliated with! So tell me does it actually work or am I going out of my mind and body?!

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