Tag Archive | "Non"

Muslim Woman Committed Suicide?

Long story short: Muslim girl decides to live a western-style of life, engages in premarital relationships with non Muslims, someone finds out and sends regular letters to her parents, she starts to feel guilt for not being a good Muslim, goes nuts and kills herself by jumping from the roof. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/9…
What do you think of the person sending letters? Did he/she do the right thing?

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How Do I Get A Tax Id If I’m An Alien And Non Us-resident?

I’m planning to sell stuff outside the us, however is us made. I plan to buy it via Amazon, however to enter the Affiliate program they request a tax ID and is a not-negotiable feature. What do you recommend?

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Non Solicitation Agreement Question?

If you signed a non solicitation agreement after leaving a company and if you know your former colleague was also looking for some other opportunities, is it a violation of the non solicitation agreement by asking this former colleague for his/her interest to apply for a job online if you think that position fits him/her. Also if you’re not affiliated with this position online.

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How Is Japan Doing After The Tsunami And Fukushima Meltdown?

Once fukushima melted down, the news about anything in Japan just disappear in the US. Oh sure there is non stop stock market talk because to this government, money is all there is in the world, but I was wondering if anyone had information on the “human” interest side. Did they totally evacuate that island? Where are the homeless being kept now? Who if anyone is helping them? Why do they want all that information to remain top secret? They continue to have 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 earthquakes daily there and yet not a squeak out of our bought and paid for news media in America. All working for the almighty dollar. If you have any REAL word on the welfare of the tsunami victims I’d like to hear it. If you are just guessing, then keep it to yourself.

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Is There A “non Scam” Company To Help Inventors Vett And Get Their Inventions To Market?

I have several inventions (some designs, some prototyped) that have a lot of potential (I’m not some moron who’s inventing snuggy pt.II I’m actually an engineer with an ok business background so I’ve vetted my “sellable” ideas and ditched the “will never make it” pipe dreams.
Unfortunately I have a full time job and can’t afford to “walk away and persue my inventor dream” I have too many responsibilities that are tied to my paycheck. It seems all the web pages/literature (even the experts at Eureka Ranch) basically say “If you don’t do it yourself you’ll never make any money” A concept that I find impossible to believe.
Is there a company that will vett my idea, and if it passes first round then just take the lion’s share of any money that comes from it? I’d be happy with 10-20% of revenue and Name recognition (some of my inventions for the disabled I’d just settle for name recognition)
Every single “Inventors/Invention” company I’ve looked at is a scam, they’re all companies that just want to sell you a boilerplate portfolio and/or different levels of patenting.
I’ve watched about 10 ideas that I’ve had over the course of the last 7 years turn into money makers for someone else (I have poor man’s patents but a lawyer will laugh at those, I only did that in order to have proof of my ability. So surely this can’t be the only niche in the world where there’s not a company ready and willing to exploit me and my ability to make more money for themselves?
Any help, pointers, links?

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Please Tell Me What My Life, Social, Education, And Financial Background Are?

I am a Conservative-Libertarian, Non-Party affiliated.
(Since some seem to already know, be cause I am a Conservative-Libertarian, please tell me about myself)

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