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Muslim Woman Committed Suicide?

Long story short: Muslim girl decides to live a western-style of life, engages in premarital relationships with non Muslims, someone finds out and sends regular letters to her parents, she starts to feel guilt for not being a good Muslim, goes nuts and kills herself by jumping from the roof.…
What do you think of the person sending letters? Did he/she do the right thing?

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  1. Shafee says:

    Damn bruv. That’s some heartbreaking stuff right there. I think the person who was sending letters should have been more sensitive to the feelings of that woman.On top of that, he/she was anonymous. It’s a personal rule that my dad taught me that all privacy should be concealed of another person if I myself have faults. I think both the sender, and the woman had been suffering. A zen master named Thich Nhat Hanh had said ‘The one causing others to suffer, is suffering too.’ Anything hate related deserves to be purified with a sense of love. Regardless of her niche and lifestyle. Salams.

  2. REAL Happy-go-lucky Rita says:

    That poor unfortunate girl sounds to me like a victim of smear campaign designed to besmirch her reputation.
    What if she is innocent? What if she is still a virgin who never has relationships with men?
    Just what if?
    Who was her stalker? Was it any jealous individual who resented her career success, her beauty, her moderate lifestyle, etc?
    Her stalker could be any of her jealous female friends. Lots of Muslims do suffer from Crab Bucket Syndrome, if you ask me. (You can google Crab Bucket Syndrome for its meanings).
    As a woman, I’m sorry to say this and I must say it – Muslim women are notoriously worst for their uncontrollable jealousy and backstabbings toward their female friends & siblings. The worst of them are those who accuse innocent victims of zina and get them stoned to death.
    Look at what happened to that innocent gang-raped victim Mukhtar Mai in Pakistan. She was raped in revenge after her little kid brother was accused of talking to a chieftain’s wife, whose beauty had incited jealousy in village women; these ugly village women were the ones who started malicious rumours and started troubles. These village women were targeting the chieftain’s wife and their smear campaign went wrong when it implicated Mukhtar Mai and her kid brother.
    I do think that unfortunate victim Rema Begum is innocent. She has been wronged by her cyber bullies, whoever they may be. I wonder if it is her friend Avril Atkins.
    @Dark Angel. Well said.

  3. dhroo_14 says:

    See, It depends on the perception.
    I mean some islamic countries are much restricted and conservative.
    Its better to behave in the way they have decided for women eventhough women and girls dont like to behave in the same manner.
    It good for them as well as their family. Because such people today are much cruel to make others believe the rules that they have formed. Freedom means nothing to them.
    and if you are brave enough to fight against them, you need to fight till the end of your last breath.
    So better to live normal way without any tension and botheration .
    and so far as the main question is there : No one has right to over rule any one else’s freedom by
    acting as an agent to god or any religion.
    i think most of the ppl believe that…

  4. dark angel says:

    I’m a muslima woman but live like a western woman and very happy. Its better for female to leave islamic countries and come to west here have more benefits than there.

  5. Naruto is my oxygen says:

    premarital sex is wrong!!!
    suicide is wrong!!!
    if she was so guilty she should have asked for mercy to Allah and for forgiveness instead of doing such a cowardly act…

  6. Angie says:

    No they did not! What miserable people interfer with other peoples happiness? They should be the ones on the roof, we’re they jealous of her happiness?

  7. God'sway says:

    Why should any muslim care – it is the will of Allah she did what she did… As far as anyone knows, it could have been Allah sending those letters….

  8. Do Tatbir For Hussein says:

    She is in hell.

  9. Bewaquf says:

    oh how is she now?…must be very tired after a free fall.


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