Tag Archive | "loss"

Any Like Fat Loss Formula?

Like one a powder and put in like milk anything like that

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Good Routines For A Dramatic Loss Of Weight?

i know, i know im expecting miracles but does anyone have any food diets or excercise routines to help loose weight! i’m 5ft6/169cm tall and weigh 120lb/8stn8 i really want to get to anything below one hundred,then i will be over the moon and ill be done for dieting FOREVER, i just need to get to be thin i went from 8 12stn to 8 8stn where i am now but i just binged alot latley and ate way to much just because of boredom but after my little wind out of running away with food im back and on track, any help ideas please?

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Should I Live Life On The Edge?

A lot of people say I’m scared to take risk and every opportunity that comes my way. For example; at my job I been offered a management position, an Loss prevention and another Sale position that offers me $1 more than I make. All my superiors say I’m a good worker, and I’m good at my job. But I don’t see it compare to others I think they’re better than me.
I want to take the positions that’s handed to me, but for some reason I think I will do bad. Every time I think about it something negative pops up in my head.
In my past I failed a lot. Everything I do. From school, projects, jobs, and even relationships.
To be honest I really want to be a manager or a store mAnager. But the way I’m living now I don’t think I will ever be one.
I’m 21 minimum wage job. Not in college.

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How Can They Make This Stuff Up And Expect People To Belive That Obama Is Going To Loss?

Obama’s chief financier, Penny Pritzker, has entered the Hawaii housing market to buy a retirement home for the president and his family that will be available not in 2016, but in January 2013http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/secret-retire…
should WND the internet version of MAD Magazine?

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Does Weight Loss Reduce Pms Symptoms?!?

since may 1st I’ve lost 22 pounds. today I got my period and I usually have killer cramps and I don’t. is this affiliated with my weight loss?

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Why Is There An Effort To Blur The Distinction Between Foreign And Domestic Players Considering Acts Of War?

It’s exceptionally important to maintain existing legal standards, that already address an American citizen functioning with alien interests. That distinction is recognized in the charge of “treason”, which makes an American a foreign actor–instead of a citizen.
This is exceptionally important as it relates to the standing rights of average Americans. In domestic courts as well as military courts, each person is already entitled to a trial–that has never been legitimately revoked. Foreigners charged with attacking Americans, are maintained in courts designated for foreign actors.
Should a charge against an American be that they are alien or treasonous–they are charged in the domestic court unless they are affiliated with a foreign entity.
Should there be an inversion of the domestic legal standards (speedy trial vs indefinite detention w/o trial) it is the subversion of Constitutional law that takes the greatest loss.
That subversion is being presented in this Congressional effort.
The greater loss is extended to the American people, and not those who attack the USA. An error of judgment or special interest as dictated by an authority, is a potential for a great loss that cannot fairly be overcome through existing legal practices.http://news.yahoo.com/confrontation-brew…

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