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Should I Live Life On The Edge?

A lot of people say I’m scared to take risk and every opportunity that comes my way. For example; at my job I been offered a management position, an Loss prevention and another Sale position that offers me $1 more than I make. All my superiors say I’m a good worker, and I’m good at my job. But I don’t see it compare to others I think they’re better than me.
I want to take the positions that’s handed to me, but for some reason I think I will do bad. Every time I think about it something negative pops up in my head.
In my past I failed a lot. Everything I do. From school, projects, jobs, and even relationships.
To be honest I really want to be a manager or a store mAnager. But the way I’m living now I don’t think I will ever be one.
I’m 21 minimum wage job. Not in college.

No Responses to “Should I Live Life On The Edge?”

  1. All hat says:

    It’s not always obvious what the right thing is to do. Sometimes you have a nice comfortable niche somewhere and you don’t want to promote. That happens in the fire service sometimes with Driver/Operators. Those are the guys who drive the fire engine then operate the pump at the scene. It’s a completely cool job and some guys just want to do that forever. So when it’s time to promote to Lieutenant, everyone says hey Charlie let’s go sign up for the exam and Charlie doesn’t want to. Some people don’t understand that – others do understand it.
    On the other hand, sometimes you gotta stretch yourself to attain something new. It bends you out of shape, you MAY fail, probably won’t if you work at it, but still. But then you do grow and gain in self-confidence, usually a little status increase, pay increase –
    So it’s not always clear what to do. In this case, just weigh how you feel both ways, then pays your money and takes your chance. It’ll be ok either way, so it’s not the end of the world either way –

  2. glenn123 says:

    Risk is relative to what you think is important. I don’t think of it as being scared to take risks; we all have survival instincts, I think it might be you’re afraid to succeed. It might be more with your own self confidence than taking the job that has the most daring. Give one of them a try if you like. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. And school can be considered it’s own risk/chance to fail. Take a class or two in something you like. You never know. It doesn’t have to be decided right now….without further study. :]

  3. Naguru says:

    No. You should be optimistic with high hopes and aspirations in life.
    We get what we deserve. At the same time, we will not get what we deserve, if we still hold on to our age-old feelings or things which we are supposed to let go off and forget.

  4. Shoes says:

    if you have been offered a promotion with more money why would you NOT do it?
    you need to re-write the “i am a failure” script you’ve got in your head.

  5. Apple says:



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