Tag Archive | "loss prevention"

Should I Live Life On The Edge?

A lot of people say I’m scared to take risk and every opportunity that comes my way. For example; at my job I been offered a management position, an Loss prevention and another Sale position that offers me $1 more than I make. All my superiors say I’m a good worker, and I’m good at my job. But I don’t see it compare to others I think they’re better than me.
I want to take the positions that’s handed to me, but for some reason I think I will do bad. Every time I think about it something negative pops up in my head.
In my past I failed a lot. Everything I do. From school, projects, jobs, and even relationships.
To be honest I really want to be a manager or a store mAnager. But the way I’m living now I don’t think I will ever be one.
I’m 21 minimum wage job. Not in college.

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