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Is Canadian Health Care Really Better Than The U.s ?

NaturalNews) One of the major pitfalls of government-run universal health care is long waiting lists for patients who require involved procedures, a situation that often devolves into a “black market” of medical care where patients willing and able to fork over large cash sums are able to move to the front of the line for medical procedures. And this is precisely what has been taking place in Montreal, Canada, where doctors have allegedly been charging patients thousands of dollars in secret fees in order for them to gain priority in receiving medical care.
In Canada, it is prohibited for doctors to charge patients for procedures that are covered under the nation’s universal, taxpayer-funded health care system. But The Gazette reports that Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) is currently the center of a controversy involving a surgeon who has reportedly charged several individuals $10,000 cash sums to receive bariatric surgery, also known as gastric bypass surgery, earlier than the normal system would have allowed.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035287_surgeo…

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I Started A New Job A Month Ago And Some Of My New Coworkers Have Been Getting On My Nerves…?

At first I said nothing because I was still in training even though I have had 4 years experience in the line of work, now the women are starting to knit pick on alot of stuff and even 1 gentleman has started to do the same. I have been polite and bit my tongue alot. My boss did make a comment that he knows the females there can be a little bossy at times and that I just need to find my niche`. Today one other female called me over the phone to let me know that there was someone sitting in an unauthorized area. (I work Security). I did see the person but they had been in no danger or threat but I asked him to move anyway.Then I get done hanging up the phone and she calls back to remind me to return keys before I left. ( I was filling in for someone else at their locked office) I told her I would not forget and she asked me what exit I was using and I told her and she said I was not permitted to use it because it was under construction, I told her the boss had left me in the same door so I was leaving out of it. She said to watch that no other employees saw me. I told I was not dingy and I would keep an eye out. She made sure I knew she didn’t want to be accused of calling me dingy. I left for my other location a few minutes early because I swore I was going to lose my temper! I mentioned my situation to another coworker who actually trained me and he said those people need to mind their own work and not go after me. He told me to report it to the boss. I figure I should just put up with it a few more weeks and establish myself and if they don’t get the hint then…go to the boss and then complain. Any ideas of how I should go about establishing myself and what to say to these people so they will leave me alone so I can do my work?

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Have You Measure Your Long Tail Keywords Opportunity?

Have you ever measure the opportunity a keyword gives you. Off course you did, but only for short phrase keywords. These are most popular, competent keywords in your niche. It is hard to catch the target of these keywords against your competitors. If you are new in line then this would be impossible for you. Do you know that google get every day 20% unique search quries? Every 5th query is totally unique and never searches before. This means visitors change their searching strategies, keywords every day almost. This means to rely on specific keywords is not worthy any more. Try new experience with long phrase keywords.

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Girls, Please Answer This Vs Related Question, Best Answer Gets 10 Points!?

Ok so I wanted to know that for how long do the victoria’s secret limited edition products are available in the market? Can anyone please tell me the time limit that the new very sexy seduction limited edition line would be available for in the market, like for how many months? Thank you in advance.:)

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Psyd Worth Anything Anymore?

Now, I’ve done enough research to know that the best schools are the ones that are affiliated with a university. But, with all the diploma mills churning out degrees, is a PsyD even worth anything anymore? I’d love to be a clinical psychologist, and it was recommended to me by a PhD at my alma mater to go the PsyD route rather than the PhD, if I want to go into treatment. As well, the line between the two is becoming further blurred and that PsyD’s are no longer frowned upon. Does anyone have any idea how much a PsyD can make in private practice or as part of a clinic these days. I only ask the last part because these programs are quite high in cost. Can someone make just as much becoming and LCSW? Any advice would be great! Thanks.

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Christians, How Many Of You Actually Know What Evolution Says?

I see stupid things like “If evolution is real, then why are there still monkey? Shouldn’t they have evolved into humans by now?” Really? For those of you who don’t know, back in the day, before Darwin, people believed in “The Chain of Creation” (or something along that line) it had humans at the top and all the lower animals below, so it was basically saying that humans were the pinnacle of creation. Well that’s not how evolution works. About 5 million of years ago humans and chimpanzees diverged (think, a fork in the road). We became what we are today because for us brain power was important, chimpanzees went where they are because that worked for them. Its what’s called a “Niche” its where an organism does best (like a carpenter or a painter, they do best in those jobs, so they stay there).
Also evolution does not say that an organism has to constantly change “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” an organism only changes if its niche changes or is destroyed, then-hopefully for the organism-a mutation will acer that will allow it to survive, if not then it will become extinct.
Now if you want to know all the details read “On the origin of species by way of natural selection” by Charles Darwin, or another book on the mechanics of evolution.

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