Tag Archive | "lawyer"

Premium WordPress Theme For A Lawyer Website?

I’m a practicing lawyer and looking for a wordpress theme for my future website. I’m planning it to be very informative, so the theme has to contain a big content area and to be responsive and widgets ready. As for design, I’m not sure, either it has to contain some law niche elements or just a normal business theme will go? Need a guru advice here.

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Should I Hire A Lawyer?

I’m creating a niche website which I think could gain a lot of popularity. I know that there are plenty of legal things involved like privacy policies and things like that. Should I hire a lawyer to do these or are these things that are relatively easy to do without a lawyer.
What kind of legal aspects should I consider before starting a social networking site.

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Question About Donating Horses?

I teach a college equestrian program which uses horses from another facility not otherwise affiliated with the college. There are people who would like to donate horses to the college program through this facility, but they would like to still get their tax breaks. Would they be able to donate to this facility for use by the college team and club?
So that I don’t get the warnings about the IRS, I will of course be consulting a lawyer. I’ve been trying to do my own research, but there is very little technical information on the subject for lay people. I don’t happen to know any tax lawyers, and I want to see if anyone knows a bit about it before I might have to pour money into it. So, if someone sees this subject and happens to know anything, I would greatly appreciate input and advice.
Thanks for your time.

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Copyright Infringement Case – Innocent, So Do I Need…?

I’ve been caught up in the trolling efforts of a well-known firm that pursues possible pirates of pornographic films. I’m innocent, I’ve never even heard of the film and I don’t participate in piracy. I’m willing to offer my computer to be searched to clear my name, though they’re pressing for a settlement of a few thousand dollars before they publicly name me as a defendant (one of those ‘John Doe’ situations). Seeing as the best evidence they have is an IP address that was somehow affiliated with my internet account, do I even need to hire a lawyer for this?

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How Do Lawyers Know So Little After So Much School?

It seems most lawyers do not actually know very much at all about the law. They only seem to know a tiny little niche, and often times don’t even seem as familiar with that as they should be. For as much school as they take, most lawyers don’t seem to know much more than an extremely well educated non-lawyer on the subject. Except that they feel they can charge hundereds of dollars an hour for what they know.

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What Are Some Good Business Books That You Recommend?

I’m 16 and I’m already going to start saving and I will be investing in the stock market again with my grandpa shortly. I work at a law firm helping my grandpa who is a lawyer, and I want to start saving and investing my money to increase my “net worth”.
I’ve read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and I really enjoyed it. It made a lot of sense to me, I really recommend that you read it, but anyways do any of you know of any great business books you recommend?
I already found one book called Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill that I might buy.

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