Tag Archive | "human beings"

Since Assault Weapons Are Not Used For Assault, But For Tin Can Plinking, Should The Name Change?

Is it safe to assume that Americans who purchase Assault Weapons like an AK-47 have no intention of using the assault weapons to assault other human beings with, just used to assault empty beer cans and small woodland animals with?
Assault weapons in America are not used for assaults on other Americans, so why not just call them Recreational Plinkers or something like that?
It’s like my Uncle 20 years ago, he bought a shoulder mounted rocket launcher on the black market and when I asked him “who you gonna blow up with that Uncle?” he said “Nobody, this is a Gopher Eradicator, not a rocket launcher.” I said “oh,ok”.
How did the assault rifle get that name anyway? What was it created for? And really, people who think they should be allowed to have a secret and private arsenal of ASSAULT weapons are not people the Government, entrusted to protect LAW ABIDING American citizens, should be checking up on?
Really, you are my neighbor and you see me sneaking dozens of assault weapons and dozens of clips into my house and you won’t stick your nose into my business?
Of course not, I am white.
Agree or disagree?

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Is Hello Kitty A Sign Of The Devil?

I am told that Hello Kitty is ” an idol ” some human beings who worship.
I wonder how can Hello Kitty be like that way because Hello Kitty is such a cute doll.
I begin to think of Hello Kitty’s history and look for some information about Hello Kitty through the internet if it is possible for me to discover the truth about Hello Kitty.
I can’t believe once i read unbelievable information, it really surprises me. It says,
The story is how Hello Kitty came to be that a mother or father, depending on the version of the story had a child that had cancer. The parent made a pact with the devil that if the child was cured, they would create a character in the devil’s honor that would be adored worldwide.
There are different variations but they all boil down to the point that Hello Kitty is evil and that God fearing people should stay away from any HK products as they are affiliated with the Devil and Devil worship.
The story is that there was a woman that did cartoons, and her daughter had cancer in her mouth. So she asked God to help and he didn’t. So she asked the devil ” if you cure my daughter then i will make a cartoon for you, that represents you.”
So the devil helped her and so she made a cartoon that doesn’t have a mouth. It was Hello kitty.
Is Hello Kitty a sign of the Devil?

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Why Do Atheists Think It’s Religion That Causes Many Wars And Not…..?

ANYBODY can cause a war. It’s a matter of the human nature of the individuals involved in whatever they are affiliated with. It can be a gang , organization , military factions , etc. Alot of folks may use religion as a medium to oppress others and cause problems but it’s NOT the religion , but it’s the PERSON. So why blame religion???

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Do The People Of Britain Think The Us Government’s Too Paranoid About Wikileaks?

As human beings, we are all just that, people influenced by what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste….and our genetics…. we are brothers and sisters….you all know this…..Americans know this
Then there’s this thing called Governments and the US Government is pretty paranoid about its own reputation to the point of going against the very principles it claims to support…such as the free speech…. free market……..
actually a British concept that Americans implemented with the help of a strong defense that has ironically supported a couple of dictatorships at various times…. well so has Britain….
but anyways, all that aside, what is the British take on how Governments should respond to leaks of national Govt secrets through wikileaks?

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