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Since Assault Weapons Are Not Used For Assault, But For Tin Can Plinking, Should The Name Change?

Is it safe to assume that Americans who purchase Assault Weapons like an AK-47 have no intention of using the assault weapons to assault other human beings with, just used to assault empty beer cans and small woodland animals with?
Assault weapons in America are not used for assaults on other Americans, so why not just call them Recreational Plinkers or something like that?
It’s like my Uncle 20 years ago, he bought a shoulder mounted rocket launcher on the black market and when I asked him “who you gonna blow up with that Uncle?” he said “Nobody, this is a Gopher Eradicator, not a rocket launcher.” I said “oh,ok”.
How did the assault rifle get that name anyway? What was it created for? And really, people who think they should be allowed to have a secret and private arsenal of ASSAULT weapons are not people the Government, entrusted to protect LAW ABIDING American citizens, should be checking up on?
Really, you are my neighbor and you see me sneaking dozens of assault weapons and dozens of clips into my house and you won’t stick your nose into my business?
Of course not, I am white.
Agree or disagree?

No Responses to “Since Assault Weapons Are Not Used For Assault, But For Tin Can Plinking, Should The Name Change?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Nope, Disagree.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So just take away people rights to own guns? The whole above statement is stupid

  3. Anonymous says:

    It is not possible to buy an AK-47 in the US, but the wasr is available in semi-auto.

  4. Anonymous says:

    You need a Federal Firearms license to own an “Assault” Weapon. What is out there is semi auto clones. No different than hunting rifles. You can’t buy them in some states with large magazines, BTW: clips store the rounds to feed into magazines, since you bring up the nomenclature theme.
    The term “Assault Weapon” is NOT what each person decides to define it as.
    Your assertion that only certain people should be “entrusted” to protect law abiding citizens is at the root of societies problem. What about the RIGHT to take care of and defend yourself? The most basic personal right that ever existed. Some people have not abdicated their responsibility to defend their rights. On every level. Forget about firearms. That is only the pinnacle of the argument.
    The “Assault Weapon” got it’s name primarily to distinguish it from the “Battle Rifle” in the military. Battle rifles were large caliber .30 + arms with high velocity projectiles. They were designed for long range aimed fire. Assault weapons came out of WWI where the military was looking for high volume (read full auto) fire in a shorter weapon with a pistol cartridge.
    Sane, involved alert people would be wary of individuals long before they started acquiring weapons and ammunition. Especially firearms owners. They are MORE suspicious of kooks than you are.

  5. Anonymous says:

    those who give up rights for security will lose both and deserve either is paraphrsing jefferson or franklin. think about it libtard

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have a 50 Caliber machine gun mounted on the back of a Ford F150.
    We dress as Arabs and drive through the woods shooting the trees.
    Nothing wrong with me.


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