Tag Archive | "free advertising"

Clickbank, Adsense & Adbrite Help !?

I’m very frustrated. My Adsense account along with $20 income has been cancelled by Google as i had an ad on a page with a clickbank affiliate ad. On another site my Adbrite has been cancelled due to page time out.
I don’t know how to make a go of trying to monetize my sites when at every turn you get shut down by a faceless company who have essentially had free advertising space.
There is a mass of information and success stories, but I’m really confused as all he’ll because it seems impossible to make a go of monetizing my two sites.
Can anyone give me any advice, experience stories etc, i would be so appreciative.
Regards CL

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If I Am Providing Information About A Company On My Website, Can That Company Ask Me To Take The Stuff Off?

I run a website that provides profiles and contact information about certain businesses which rely on hiring contractors. I basically help people get in contact with these businesses to get hired. So, I got a Cease and desist letter from one of the companies (not a court order, basically a warning) and I’m wondering if I’m really doing anything wrong and should respond. They claim I am advertising their business (which who the hell turns down free advertising?!) in ways that they do not approve. I do have a disclaimer on my site which states that I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned on the site. Isn’t that enough in my defense?

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