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Clickbank, Adsense & Adbrite Help !?

I’m very frustrated. My Adsense account along with $20 income has been cancelled by Google as i had an ad on a page with a clickbank affiliate ad. On another site my Adbrite has been cancelled due to page time out.
I don’t know how to make a go of trying to monetize my sites when at every turn you get shut down by a faceless company who have essentially had free advertising space.
There is a mass of information and success stories, but I’m really confused as all he’ll because it seems impossible to make a go of monetizing my two sites.
Can anyone give me any advice, experience stories etc, i would be so appreciative.
Regards CL

No Responses to “Clickbank, Adsense & Adbrite Help !?”

  1. Open Sauce says:

    Yup….always read the terms and conditions. Google say’s quite clearly not to mix it’ s ads with others of the same type.
    Not sure what adbrite mean by page timeout, maybe you’ve put the code in wrongly so it fails to load properly?
    I am not sure if googles policy means that you can mix ads so long as they are not the same type, but i’ve never had problems mixing google and kontera ads before.
    If you have a site with a high quantity of text, then kontera ads are ideal and can earn more revenue than adsense. These are link ads, where certain words per page are targeted and an underline appears under them. This gives the viewer the impression it leads to more info from your site, but instead takes them to an ad..hence getting more clicks than adsense.
    In reality though, monetising a website is only profitable if you have a high volume of traffic.

  2. Jake Birdem says:

    Sad to hear but informative for the rest of us, keep going there are plenty of other choices, a search for Adsense Alternatives will turn up other systems with payout thresholds as low as $10.

  3. Kavya says:

    hey , it all happens when yu first start a blog or site… there are many delicate things to learn though… yu don get it al in a week… patience is the key. i opened a blog aftr readin those same succs stors !! but when my acc crossed 35$ they cancelled it. the same happened with my next one two . now i have learnt frm my mistakes . this s my latest blog :
    So far Happy with the response 🙂 The major mistakes ppl do wit adsense s:
    1. click on own ad s
    2. ask frnds 2 click ad s( tat s ok as far as yu have page views larger !!)
    3. first conc on increasin page views aftr tat even if yu have one or two clicks on ad per day yu can manage to have a good sum 🙂
    for furteh details visit :
    All the best 🙂


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