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What Do I Do? I Messed Up And Paid For And Downloaded Office For Windows On My Mac.?

So as the title says, I accidentally downloaded Microsoft Office for Windows on my Mac. I have no idea how this happened, but it did. I am a college student, and there is a student discount for buying office. Somewhere between clicking on this student discount option on the mac page and checking out I agreed to download the Office for windows instead of office for Mac. I dont know how this happened, but it did and I didnt notice until after I paid for it and had downloaded the file. At this point the file failed to run and I realized I made a mistake.
The download was through a company called Digital River which seems to be an affiliate of Microsoft. I was linked to this website directly from the Microsoft site. I plan to call their customer service in the morning to see what they have to say, but I was hoping someone may have had this problem already and could answer my question before then.

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