Tag Archive | "direction"

If You Are An Internet Marketer. Please Help!?

Please point me in the right direction.
I’m just getting started with trying to make money online. I’m gearing towards affiliate marketing because I don’t have a lot of money to spend. I don’t have my own product and never owned my own business.
There are many Internet Strategies and products that people are trying to sell. I don’t know which to trust. Some of them just want your money and not really trying to help you.
Is there a good mentor to learn from or site to get started with Internet Marketing mainly, affiliate marketing?
Thanks in advance!

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Online Affiliate Business Or Specific Type Of Online Business?

I want to start an online business. However, I can’t figure out what’s the difference between affiliate programs and having a specific type of online business. Can someone explain this to me? I want to have a variety of products available but I don’t want to deal with the shipping and stocking. BUT I want this to generate income so I need some direction. What would you recommend? I have a friend that has an online business and she takes care of a family of five with the income from it alone. She has a specific type of online business. Does affiliate programs generate the same amount of income as a specific type of business? I need help figuring this out… Thanks!

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Argh!!!!! I Am In Need Of Help Getting Started As An Affiliate.?

I recently purchased and downloaded a training manual called “Autopilot Profits” The claim was “Easy” “Very Simple” Everything to make me believe I finally found the right help in getting started, but instead I am even more confused. I am not at all computer savvy but I am able to navigate the internet and I know the computer basics. Is there anyone out there who is familiar with affiliate programs who can point me in the right direction for help getting started I would greatly appreciate it. Please don’t refer me to another website offering this type of training material. If it exists I need the Affiliate for Dummies.
Also, what is affiliate software? Is it something that you basically install and it does all the work for you for a fee? If so, it is worth it and which is best?
Again, thank you very much if you have any suggestions.

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I Really Could Use Some Advice/direction With My Major! Pretty Please?

Ok, I am a sophomore in college and I have changed my major literally, every semester. I honestly don’t know what kind of jobs are out there and I am petrified of choosing something and not being able to find a job because of the economy (I’ve looked into advertising but like I said i’m worried I won’t find a job). I know I want to do something big with my life, I am very creative and love being able to use that. I also really enjoy talking to people, i’m a decent writer and a great listener. I hate math with a passion and I would really like to have a career that will allow me to provide a comfortable lifestyle for me and my one-day family. (More specifically, afford to vacation. Haha) I don’t know if that provides enough information but if any of you know something I could look into that might fit my skill set, I would MORE than appreciate it. I feel like I’m going to have a breakdown if I can’t find my niche’ soon.

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