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Why Are Christians Trying To Turn The Revolutions Against The Muslim Masses?

Salaam Alaykom wa rahmatollah wa barakatuh,
in the name of Allah,most gracious,most merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation; Lord and Supporter of the oppressed monotheists; Breaker and Vanquisher of unjust tyrants. Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets, and their master; Imam and exemplar of the Mujahideen; and upon his household and his companions and those guided by his guidance; revive his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment.
“Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills!” (Quran 14:46)
The American government and Its allies didn’t feel the breezes of the Arabian Hurricane . What started as small breezes from Northern Africa has turned into full-fledged tornadoes, which destroyed parts of the tyrannical U.S supported puppet governments. I’m quite surprised that the American government and Its allies don’t understand that all nations on this planet have a boiling point. The boiling point of the nations is something which can build a powerful nation or destroy it.
The research centers and think tanks of America were not concerned about the removal of the Tunisian government. There are many reasons why they were not concerned. The first reason is that the removal of Ben Ali did not endanger the interests of America in Northern Africa. There is no doubt that the American government has interest in Tunisia but not interest which could harm their economy or their fight against “Terror”. The only tool that was removed from their hands are some secret CIA prisons.
The second reason is that the Tunisian people are not influenced by fundamental ideologies of Al-Qaeda or other Jihady organizations. There is no other country in the world where the government banned Islamic books and Scholars as the former Tunisian Government of Ben Ali. The third reason is that Tunisia is not posing a threat to the Zionist Jews in the so-called state of Israel. These are the main reasons why the American government didn’t spend any time on Tunisia.
If we analyze the second stage of the Hurricane we will find a different approach of America. After they felt the breezes from Tunisia they immediately got involved from the beginning of the Egyptian revolution. There are many reasons why they got involved. The first and most important reason is the security of the so-called state of Israel. Most people do not know how close the American government is with the Egyptian army. The Egyptian Army is essentially a American-Israeli creation. The U.S government has spent billions of dollars for the creation of the Egyptian Army. The task of the Egyptian Army is protecting Israel from any threat and to kill anyone who threatens Israel. What did the Egyptian Army say about the assault on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo? They said that the people who are behind the assault are criminals and enemies of Egypt. While their own buildings are getting demolished they only care about the Jews and the Americans. The Egyptian Army is the biggest Mercenary Company on planet earth.
The second reason is to stop fundamental Islamists from spreading their ideology in the region.
The third reason is to protect strong American companies from falling down.
The second reason caught my attention. I asked myself some questions. How are the Americans going to stop the influence of Fundamental Islamic Ideologies in Egypt? Are they going to detonate explosives in markets and blame it on the Salafi Jihady supporters? This cowardly tactic did not work in Iraq and Pakistan.
So, what are they going to do?
I started to differentiate between the groups who are involved in the revolution. At the first stage I didn’t find anything which could give me an idea about the plots of the crusader governments. But at the second stage I found something remarkable which caught my attention. The “Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen” are being interviewed and mentioned on every Arabic news channel. Al-Jazeera , Al-Arabiya, MBC and other News channels. Before the revolutions we always found awful reports and news articles about the Ikhwan.
What happened during the second stage?
The crusader governments and their allies finally realized that “Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen” is only a name for a political party which has nothing to do with Islam. The Muslims masses are being fooled by this name. There was a time were the Ikhwan were on the right path but those days are over. The Leaders of the Ikhwan are the biggest enemies of Jihad and the Mujahiden. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They use the Islamic religion for the sake of getting a high position. They don’t care if they need to rule with man made laws. They have no problem with Taghut governments in other countries. They have no problems with America. They consider the Mujahiden to be terrorist and criminals.

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Do You Know Way New World Order Taking Over The World?

My friends,recently I discovered on YouTube some disturbing information regarding secret societies that woke me to a harsh reality.A few of these so called “societies,” include the 170 year old Illuminate,Bilderberg, and the Bohemian Grove.One of the worldwide biggest societies is a Globalist consisting of 13 family bloodlines and headed by the Rothschild family; they are currently holding half of the world’s wealth accumulated from wars and other significant events. Members of Bilderberg are Kings,Queens,politicians and individuals of vast wealth such as George Soros,Rockefeller,Carnegie,the Koch Brothers,as well as practically all worldwide political heads of financial institutions that are members of secret societies.They are all working on the creation of a New World Order and it’s no longer a well kept secret.Politicians ideologies and their party affiliations no longer matter. After their election they become millionaires in no time.It is has become a sad reality.Puppeteers are using corrupted politicians to implement NWO plans.The European Union as well as the North American Union spawned the B.K. NAFTA,and the G.W.B. who signed documents with Canada and Mexico without Congressional approval. V.Putin in 10/2011 proposed the creation of the Ural Asian Union.The 3 country in near future Iran Syria N.Korea will “join”NWO by furs.One of final steps of will be illuminating physical currency and force all peoples the placement of computer chips in our bodies after that no one will purchase anything without being electronically scanned.We all going to be under total control of NWO masters.Today puppeteers of NWO continues killing humans with virus’s,wars, economic crisis and many other ways most of us don’t now or don’t understand.They have one goal it is to take over the world and eliminate 80-90% of the world population and slave all remain rest of population.My friends we must investigate and expose and burn to the ground their evil plans but if you want to be a market slave go ahead because in the totalitarian NWO regime will be only two classes the masters incredibly wealthy and their slaves.Can you guess which one you will belong to or it is too difficult for you.All puppeteers call themselves “patriots and constitutional defenders”.Wake up my Brothers do your research, my recommendation:Read the book “Masters Game”by Graham Hancock &amp Robert Bauval.Book contains 6 hundred pages with sources, photos and references.And YouTube videos especially:Zeitgeist by Peter Joseph,The Upcoming New World Order, NWO Deception, Satanic NOW,One World Religion,The big deception,NWO Alien Agenda,The Deception of One World Religion, New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the World’s Population,Illuminati Satanic 2012+ UFO Event, NWO Satanic Higher Consciousness,New Age Satanism,Satanic Enlightenment, New Age Deception,The Power behind the New World Order Full Documentary,The Satanic 9/11 Ritual,by Bill Cooper.Wake up my Brothers time is running out, we have to face those cronies. May god blesses all of us OCCUPIERS and 99% percentile.

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How Much Should I Charge For A 100 Page Ebook On Internet Marketing Wealth Secrets?

The e-book will include, traffic secrets, product creation secrets
re-investment secrets, mindsets and alot more.
How much would someone be willing to pay?

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Advice On Creating My Own Website Or Blog?

Hi, I have been doing a little research and I have had a great idea for my own website in a very niche market that I would like to pursue. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about this, whether to set up a website or a blog and how to do it. My website will probably take a more blog style of writing, as in written by me and being more personal, however I would eventually like to start advertising with it to make money, and allowing people to sign up to it as well, so would it be more beneficial for me to create a website? if anyone have any knowledge about website/blog creation they can give me, and the best creation site to use to go about this, i would be most grateful for their advice!

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Christians, How Many Of You Actually Know What Evolution Says?

I see stupid things like “If evolution is real, then why are there still monkey? Shouldn’t they have evolved into humans by now?” Really? For those of you who don’t know, back in the day, before Darwin, people believed in “The Chain of Creation” (or something along that line) it had humans at the top and all the lower animals below, so it was basically saying that humans were the pinnacle of creation. Well that’s not how evolution works. About 5 million of years ago humans and chimpanzees diverged (think, a fork in the road). We became what we are today because for us brain power was important, chimpanzees went where they are because that worked for them. Its what’s called a “Niche” its where an organism does best (like a carpenter or a painter, they do best in those jobs, so they stay there).
Also evolution does not say that an organism has to constantly change “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” an organism only changes if its niche changes or is destroyed, then-hopefully for the organism-a mutation will acer that will allow it to survive, if not then it will become extinct.
Now if you want to know all the details read “On the origin of species by way of natural selection” by Charles Darwin, or another book on the mechanics of evolution.

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Frank Kern Other Product Creation Products?

anyone used these? recommendations? reviews? Frank Kern & Ed Dale – The Underachiever Method [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
Frank Kern – “Mass Control” Launch Email Sequence [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
Frank Kern – InfoMillionaire [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
Frank Kern – Annihilation Method Sales Letter Copy Swipe [HTML] (NEW)
Frank Kern and Trey Smith – Screw Google Series [7 Videos (FLVs) 1 Manual (PDFs)] (NEW)
Frank Kern – InfoMillionaire [34 Videos (SWF)] (NEW)
Frank Kern and Mike Long – Mass Control Marketing [MP3] (NEW)
Frank Kern – Market Research [ 1 Video (MOV)] (NEW)
Frank Kern And John Reese Customer Getting Webinars (2 MP4 files) (NEW)
John Carlton – Simple Writing System Interviews – Frank Kern [2 Videos (MOV)] (NEW)
Frank Kern – Sneak Attack [1 Video(FLV) 1Ebook(PDF)] (NEW)
Anthony Robbins – The New Money Masters – Jeff Walker [Audio (MP3)] (NEW)
Anthony Robbins – The New Money Masters [(1 Video (AVI)] (NEW)
Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
WSO – Jason Fladlien – How to Create a $47-$97 Info Product in 2 days [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
Product Launch Formula Presentation [1 DVD (Rip)] (NEW)
Jeff Paul and Shawn Casey – Product Creation Secrets [eBook interview transcript (PDF)] (NEW)
Armand Morin – Product Creation 2 0 Workshop [11 CDs (MP3) – 10 workbooks (PDFs)] (NEW)
Jim Edwards – How To Create and Publish You Own Killer Multi-Media Info-Product Course … (NEW)
Kevin Riley – Recipe for Quick and Easy Product Creation (incl bonuses) [eBook (PDF)] (NEW)
Craig Kaye – Info Product Killer 2010 [MP4/PDF/HTML] (NEW)
Ryan Deiss – Overnight Product Creation [2 mp3, 1 flv, 1 pdf] (NEW)

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