Tag Archive | "consumption"

Jobs, Or The Earth? Which Do You Choose?

It’s no secret that fossil fuel consumption, and CO2 spewing fuels in general are harming our environment. And it’s also no secret that we are still recovering from the toughest times since the Great Depression.
So, even if it means that our planet’s human-induced global climate change problem is accelerated by the burning of fossil fuels, do you value “jobs” over the Earth?
Also, I think it’s hilarious how different fuel industries *market* themselves:
Coal ——- It’s about jobs! We have LOTS of it, and it’s cleaner now than it was in the past!
Oil ——– It’s about jobs! We need to get off of foreign oil! And it’s cleaner than coal!
Natural Gas —— Cleaner than coal or oil!
etc. etc. (no matter how bad something is, it’s “good” because it’s “better” than something else)

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Global Footprint,fuel Duty And A Manipulative Government- Is There A Catch?

Whilst I don’t mind the capable drivers of exceeding 70mph and the rich giving more fuel duty to combat the deficit- I have major reservations in all areas of a motorway speed limit increase being abDo you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?le to do what the Government expect- I beklieve we are going to incur massive debts simply by increasing our global footprint and depleting natural resources- never mind straining our emergency services- people are predominately older with less reaction speed. please read the following and allow me your knowledge- PLEASE:Do you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?

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Question Pertaining To Alcohol And Drug Use…?

My two closest friends, the ones I’ve stuck with for at least a decade, drink alcohol and smoke marijuana habitually. I used to do the same but have significantly eased up on alcohol consumption and completely nixed marijuana from my system. I plan on dropping everything, meaning no alcohol and no tobacco whatsoever. I am concerned that, in a way, our vices are what keeps our friendship intact.
We’ll go to museums, sporting events, concerts, various activities and the day inevitably ends with the question “So, what are we going to do tonight?” which usually means a 1.75 liter bottle of whiskey or vodka and an eighth of marijuana. I am unsure how to break it to them, if I even should. I am certain that if they’re truly my friends they will understand but these were the bonds that formed our friendship in the very beginning, even dwindling our little crew from over ten loosely affiliated drunks and druggies to the three we are now.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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