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Global Footprint,fuel Duty And A Manipulative Government- Is There A Catch?

Whilst I don’t mind the capable drivers of exceeding 70mph and the rich giving more fuel duty to combat the deficit- I have major reservations in all areas of a motorway speed limit increase being abDo you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?le to do what the Government expect- I beklieve we are going to incur massive debts simply by increasing our global footprint and depleting natural resources- never mind straining our emergency services- people are predominately older with less reaction speed. please read the following and allow me your knowledge- PLEASE:Do you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?

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