Tag Archive | "Air"

Do Conservatives Not Understand Basic Math?

They’re always claiming that Limbaugh has the most listened to radio talk show with over 28 Million weekly listeners, and roughly 7 million unique listeners.
NPR’s All Things Considered has 35 Million weekly listeners, and over 11 Million unique weekly listeners. (That means 11 Million people listen to the program and the average listener listens to more than 3 episodes per week).
NPRs Fresh Air with Terry Gross has 27 Million listeners and 9 million unique listeners per week.
NPRs Prairie Home Companion airs on Friday evening and has 10.5 million unique listeners for the initial broadcast, an estimated 14 million unique listeners if you count affiliate rebroadcasts, and an estimated 16 million weekly listeners.
By any measure, there are NPR programs that beat Rush’s numbers.
Do Conservatives not understand the whole 1,2,3,4,5, system of Arabic numerals?

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Modern/future Marine Corps (10 Points)?

The Marine Corps mission statement is to provide the US with amphibious expeditionary warfare. The issue I see with that is in modern times this mission statement has become obsolete.
Amphibious operations will always be needed, but forcible entry by storming beaches doesn’t work like it did in WWII, long range missiles can counter an entire beach assault with the push of a button. Since we no longer storm beaches, that takes a huge chunk of the Marine Corps mission away. Amphibious invasions today mean bombing the shore and moving forces on shore or inserting through helicopter from a MEU, neither of those require a Marine Corps as bombings can be handled by the Air Force and Navy and helicopter insertions require helicopters (Army, Navy, and Air Force) and infantry (Army).
The Marine Corps is still an expeditionary force in readiness. There are MEUs afloat as we speak that can “park” anywhere in the world ready to conduct combat operations and handle limited scale warfare within 18 hours. The issue here is that MEUs are never called upon to be used as a “first to fight” tool for the US. Special operations forces are always first to fight, Army Airborne units and specialized units such as the 10th Mountain are either second or invade along side the Marine Corps. If something went down in North Korea right now expect to hear special operations forces and Army Airborne units were first to assault, followed by a MEU.
I understand the Marine Corps isn’t supposed to fill a direct niche, to break it down the Army handles land warfare, the Navy handles maritime warfare, and the Air Force handles air superiority, I know there pretty much isn’t anything else to fill. But historically the Marines have filled an important role, we have always needed a force in readiness and the ability of forcible entry, especially from sea. But that role is no longer valid as there are plenty of other and better forces in readiness (special operations/Airborne) and forcible entry doesn’t really exist in modern warfare, especially from sea. To top it off when it comes to straight Army vs Marine infantry you can throw out propaganda but statistics show the Army is better.
So what is the modern/future purpose of the Marine Corps? Am I missing something? Do you think the role the Marine Corps plays is nearly as important as other branches, or are they reverting back to their pre-WWII days where they were “those other military guys” like when they were guarding ships. This question certainly isn’t intended to bash on the Marines, just get a better understanding of their role in modern times and how necessary they are in todays conflicts.
Thanks in advance.

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Why Did President Obama And His Family Take Separate Jets?

President Barack Obama’s much-maligned holiday vacation turned into an even bigger PR nightmare today as it emerged that he and his wife took separate government jets to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart.
Michelle Obama was revealed to have arrived at the Massachusetts retreat, only 500 miles from Washington, four hours before her husband yesterday.
She was accompanied by their daughters Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10, and landed at around 2pm – four hours earlier than the President.The extra transport to get the the First Lady to the island for only a few more hours of vacation time will have cost taxpayers thousands in additional expenses.The costs related to Mrs Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on the specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her.
She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.
The President had already drawn scorn for using two helicopters and Air Force One to get to Martha’s Vineyard.
The President will be staying with his family at the Blue Heron Farm, a sprawling, $50,000-per-week estate with plenty of room for staff and Secret Service agents accompanying him on the trip.
The family are to spend 10 days in a rented compound.
The President arrived on this wealthy Massachusetts island retreat as the stock market plunged and a new poll showed just 11 per cent of Americans are happy with the way things are in the country.
Is he tone deaf to the American people or just doesn’t really care? What’s next? Michelle saying let them eat cake?

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Is A Crayfish A Generalist Or A Specialist (niches)?

Depends on your crayfish.
My pets were Louisiana crawdads. These guys are generalists — omnivorous, able to live in a variety of water quality (by pulling air into the gills when living in low oxygen situations), able to live in a variety of water temperatures and flow rates. They can make short overland trips too.
Some other species of crayfish aren’t as hardy.

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Good Enlisted Jobs In The Air Force/job Recommendations?

I’m currently looking to enlist in the Air Force. The jobs that I’m currently looking at are diagnostic imaging and crypto linguist. Those two jobs are the ones that I’m most passionate about but I’m trying to come up with a list of around 5-7 jobs that I would be interested in. I was wondering if any current or prior airmen (or someone who is affiliated with or is knowledgeable about the Air Force) has any job recommendations similar to the two that I just listed? I would like to do something in either the medical or intelligence field. I know that this is a hard question to answer as we all have different skills and interests but I’m just curious to see what people will say, there’s a chance that someone might recommend something that I’m not even aware of and I could end up being really interested in that job choice. I appreciate the help! Thanks!

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