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Do Conservatives Not Understand Basic Math?

They’re always claiming that Limbaugh has the most listened to radio talk show with over 28 Million weekly listeners, and roughly 7 million unique listeners.
NPR’s All Things Considered has 35 Million weekly listeners, and over 11 Million unique weekly listeners. (That means 11 Million people listen to the program and the average listener listens to more than 3 episodes per week).
NPRs Fresh Air with Terry Gross has 27 Million listeners and 9 million unique listeners per week.
NPRs Prairie Home Companion airs on Friday evening and has 10.5 million unique listeners for the initial broadcast, an estimated 14 million unique listeners if you count affiliate rebroadcasts, and an estimated 16 million weekly listeners.
By any measure, there are NPR programs that beat Rush’s numbers.
Do Conservatives not understand the whole 1,2,3,4,5, system of Arabic numerals?

No Responses to “Do Conservatives Not Understand Basic Math?”

  1. Katie says:

    Why just Conservatives. To blame one group of people is ridiculous

  2. Right wingers can't think only r says:

    Only the nut cases who can’t form their own opinion listen to Rush Limbaugh

  3. LOLOLOL says:

    28 million people listen to Limbaugh weekly? Well, that might explain why our country is going down the sh*tter…

  4. RIGHT IS RIGHT says:

    You need to teach that math to Our Clueless President who promised to Cut the Deficit by 50 % and actually wound up Raising the Deficit by 200 %
    So….the question is whether Obama is the biggest moron we’ve ever had for a President or the biggest liar we’ve ever had for a President ?

  5. Rob says:

    Limbaugh is on AM radio. I honestly don’t know why that spectrum hasn’t reallocated to something more useful than static crashes and bombast.

  6. sgatlant says:

    NPR doesn’t count. Limbaugh’s show is listened to because sponsors pay for him to be on the air, and people are willing to listen to him. NPR is partially paid for with public funds, and does not in fact support itself. You are comparing apples and oranges.
    out of curiosity, where did you get your figures from?

  7. Duran Duran says:

    I do realize that liberals like yourself like to pull numbers out of the air. Here is the fact about NPR’s viewership numbers.
    “Washington-based NPR will release new figures to its stations today showing that the CUMULATIVE AUDIENCE, THAT MEANS ALL SHOW COMBINED, for its daily news programs hit 20.9 million a week.”……

  8. Mike W says:

    Maybe you need a better source. Most sources, not all of them conservative, have his daily average around 20 million.


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