Tag Archive | "basic math"

Do Conservatives Not Understand Basic Math?

They’re always claiming that Limbaugh has the most listened to radio talk show with over 28 Million weekly listeners, and roughly 7 million unique listeners.
NPR’s All Things Considered has 35 Million weekly listeners, and over 11 Million unique weekly listeners. (That means 11 Million people listen to the program and the average listener listens to more than 3 episodes per week).
NPRs Fresh Air with Terry Gross has 27 Million listeners and 9 million unique listeners per week.
NPRs Prairie Home Companion airs on Friday evening and has 10.5 million unique listeners for the initial broadcast, an estimated 14 million unique listeners if you count affiliate rebroadcasts, and an estimated 16 million weekly listeners.
By any measure, there are NPR programs that beat Rush’s numbers.
Do Conservatives not understand the whole 1,2,3,4,5, system of Arabic numerals?

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