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Why Do People Who Have Treated Their Condition With Diet And Exercise Think They Discovered It?

I believe you cured your ailment, I believe it was thru your own actions and motivation, but this attitude I don’t understand. Maybe I’m missing something in translation, IDK.
The first thing a family doctor does is check your vitals, he has charts on the wall with your possible BMI charted. Healthy living is the first thing he stresses, at least for me.
OK, maybe he stresses meds too much: He’s a medical doctor, that’s his niche. Whatever else you have going is between your personal trainer and you, or in some cases your pastor and you.
Do you really think you created a new type of therapy? Don’t hold a grudge for the doctor, he’s making a living. Don’t hold a grudge against the pharmaceutical companies just because they over hype their product. It is a business after all. I understand it’s different because it’s your health at stake. They aren’t required to give a damn, nor do they. Yes, please spread the word, it’s needed. However if you buy Tylenol or Nyquil that really compromises your stance, IMO. At this I add that I’m aware of the lies doled out daily, I’m not that naive.
I won’t get into conspiracy theories just yet, but if you think it’s relevant please include it in you answer.

No Responses to “Why Do People Who Have Treated Their Condition With Diet And Exercise Think They Discovered It?”

  1. wayfarou says:

    I’ve seen something similar from my dentist. He saw I was grinding my teeth. He told me there is a custom guard he can mold and order for me for about $200. Or I can go to the drugstore and buy a sports mouth guard and use that. When I returned for my next visit, he didn’t mention the drugstore mouth guard again and tried to get me fitted for the expensive one. When I asked if it was true that the drugstore one would work, he said something like, “yes, but I told you to get one and you didn’t for over six months, and I see that more damage has been done. I thought maybe if I charged you a lot of money for a custom guard you’d actually consider wearing it–and if you still chose to ignore what I told you, then I did all I could for you.” Guess what–I stopped by the drugstore on my way home this time.
    Doctors will tell you about diet and exercise, but they often know that you aren’t really going to follow their instructions. Alt med doctors give you strange but (usually) healthy diets and then follow up with you to be sure you are staying on track. It isn’t so much that they discovered that healthy eating keeps you healthy, it’s that they make it their job to make you eat healthy, rather than just to tell you how to do it.

  2. thenosek says:

    Because to them personally it is a discovery.
    I have yet to see a doctor actually hand someone an excercise and/or diet program that details what exercises to do, how, when and how often to do them, or a shopping list and meal plan. I might add the requirement that whatever it is, it has to have predictable, measurable results.
    Sticking a BMI chart to the wall and telling someone they should fall within those parameters is the same as sticking an eye chart to the wall and telling someone they should have 20/20 vision.


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