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Are You Pro Government Or Anti-government(in General)?

Also which party or main ideology do you affiliate with?

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  1. Rico says:

    America is the most advanced country for it’s size in the history of humanity. It needs a government.
    Democracy is the best form of government (so far) and the only way it can operate is by debate, compromise, majority rules and minority rights.
    The size of government is not an issue, it’s how well it serves the majority that matters.

  2. The Scales of Justice 3. says:

    I am Federal Government oreinted as long as it is following the direct guidelines
    as set out in the Constitution of the US.

  3. Lois Griffin says:

    I’m not pro or anti gov……….but I support sensible ground rules for the way it functions.

  4. isurvive says:

    Your question is far to vague for any meaningful responses. The government also includes law enforcement. For those who claim that they are anti-government, are they also in favour of lawlessness and no justice. I think not. The government is also how we ensure our rights are protected through the courts. For those who claim that they are anti-government, are they also claiming that they want people’s rights to be violated.
    Many people are just cheap, greedy and jealous and base their politics on there emotions.

  5. Their Constitution rules them says:

    Pro small as necessary government as the Constitution allows.
    Independent. Conservative of Classic Liberalism.

  6. John E says:

    I am anti-federal government, in general, and pro-state government.
    Conservative, also ex-republican.
    The federal government can do defense well, and at a tremendous cost, but that is about it. If you took ANY federal spending (Dept of Education, for example) and divided the money by state, cut the checks, and got out of the way, STATES would act far more responsibly and responsively, to accomplish the goals we all want.

  7. hwinnum says:

    I am anti Big government. We need a federal government to protect our country and our rights, but we don’t need a federal government that interferes with our lives for some so-called common good. Those type of laws need to be made on a state or local level.

  8. John Hinkle says:

    It depends, if it is a responsibility of the government such as providing a viable military then I would be pro-government, if you are talking about things they have no business being in such as banning “sugary” soft drinks or banning “Happy Meals” then I would be rather anti-government.
    I took a political test once and it said I was center right.

  9. ? says:

    Since government is “we the people” of course I’m pro government. And cons are anti-government, until they need help. (See Rick Perry, the “secessionist”, who went running to the federal government for help after every natural disaster.)

  10. the horse K says:

    Pro…I need regulations against corps……I need some type of social help ( if I so happen to ever need it) I need all the government’s help in times of trouble…..its government for the people by the people…not for the Rich and corporations, by the rich and corporations…..

  11. Chewy Ivan 2 says:

    I am pro-government. Government is a useful tool for managing resources to the best benefit of society. The risk of government being abused is great, though. We need to be careful to keep government limited in order to prevent it from becoming corrupt and broken, much like it is today.
    I am a liberal libertarian. I understand the need for government as well as how sorely the current government needs reformed. I think it’s ridiculous that we claim anyone can be trusted with firearms but that we can’t trust anyone with marijuana. I’m not saying we need to ban firearms; I’m saying we need some consistency in our dedication to freedom and justice.

  12. Al says:

    Government as an entity is necessary. Government that protects it’s citizens, obeys the laws and the morality of it’s people, provides for the common good, and helps the country grow and prosper, is ideal. Big, overly-powerful, greed-motivated, men and women who do not represent the interests of the people that they have sworn to serve are neither necessary, nor appreciated. Government who takes it upon itself to dictate complicated laws ( that have to be passed, to be understood, Government that acts agaist the best interests of the people, mandates personal requirements, and taxes the people extreme amounts so they can live the life of greed and power, are criminals.

  13. chloe says:

    WIth over 300,000,000 people living in the United States, I am pro-government. I am socially Liberal and fiscally conservative.

  14. Jonathan A says:

    I am a liberal who believes that government has a place in my life. I like infrastructure (roads, bridges, electric grids, sewer and water systems), I like that the government provides a k-12 education, I like that government protects me, my environment, my workplace, my food and air and water. I like that when I retire, I will be able to retire on my 401k and supplemental Social Security (which I have paid into as long as I have worked) and Medicare, I think I like you most of all.
    I am pro-government, pro-America and pro American.

  15. Kevin says:

    Neither. Some things needs to have Pro-Government like Education/Regulation/health/parks/Some infrastructure. Some things needs to have No-Government like running your own Business, private property. Some things needs a mixture of both like Public Stadiums. I am Center-left Liberal which is an ideology that is a mixture of mostly liberal and some conservative.

  16. Brian says:

    I am not anti-government but the Federal government is far too big and has too much power as it is right now. Reform is badly needed..

  17. Di says:

    I am anti big and intrusive government and pro government of and by the people.
    Independent leaning towards Republcan and less taxation.


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