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I Hate College And I Don’t Know What To Do!?

Okay, so everyone always told me that college would be the best 4 years of my life.. i’m more than halfway through my sophomore year, and so far they have been the worst years by far.
My first year i started off at a top university in california, and was really excited to go. Once i got there, i realized how big it was and how lost i felt, and i tried to make friends and find a niche, but still found myself with nobody to hang out with on the weekends… I have always been very academically driven, so i did spend a lot of time doing homework, but so did everyone at this place.
Anyways, I would cry myself to sleep most nights, and really hated the school. I was having an awful time, and decided that i should transfer, in the hopes of creating a fresh start. I transferred to a top liberal arts college on the east coast, and am now having an even worse time. I tried much harder this time to make friends and seek connections and join clubs and groups, and I feel so much worse here than at my old school. I cry myself to sleep quite often, and have had 2 therapists tell me that i’m clinically depressed (and i promise, i was happy as a clam in high school, so this is a new thing.) Also, during november and december of this year, i contemplated suicide multiple times a day, and came somewhat close to carrying it out a number of times.
Needless to say, I’m not having the best years of my life. I can’t drop out of college, because A.) my parents would never allow it, B.) I would never let myself live it down, and C.) I have nothing else to do. I also have no idea what i want to major in, and have lost interest in what i thought i was going to major in (so now i have no way to feasibly fit in any other major before i’m supposed to graduate.)
What should i do? I’m miserable on so many levels.

No Responses to “I Hate College And I Don’t Know What To Do!?”

  1. Michael Jones says:

    If you’re clinically depressed, overcome that hurdle first. It’s a perfectly reasonable reason to drop out – no sense being somewhere where you can’t cope. There’s probably a lot of reasons behind this – you’re probably freezing on being responsible for your own life far more. High school life is nicely structured, day and night. College is far more your problem, and that sounds like something you have issues negotiating. Learn to do that with help from therapy and return to college when you’re ready.

  2. Old-fashioned Pattern says:

    I think your therapist is right. These suicidal thoughts aren’t normal.
    Although I can relate. I went to a school I hated where I was bullied and I thought about suicide a lot.
    It got better though. I got a private teacher and found happiness again. And you will too.
    It gets better, you just have to be strong. What is your goal? What do you wish to achieve through college? Find a dream or a passion and follow it. Know that college is only a difficult step you have to take to reach your dream.
    I know it sounds corny but just believe that you are strong enough to handle this. Also read. It will put your mind at ease and know that being alone isn’t such a horrible thing sometimes. If you’re comfortable with yourself and who you are, people will admire that andbecome your friends.
    Stay strong and have the nerve to dream and imagine better.


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