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I’m So Lonely, Can Someone Please Just Talk To Me?

Please help me?
I’m a freshman in college and I’m miserable. For some reason, I can’t find a niche. I have a hard enough time as it is being social and fitting in as I have Asperger’s Syndrome. I’ve been long distance with my boyfriend (a sophomore in college) for two years and we have the normal ups and downs we’ve always had. But when I really need someone to talk to, I can’t always go to him. My three best friends from high school are at schools very far from me and all have seemed to easily adapt to college.
My roommate (sort of a social outcast, like myself) was friends with me at the beginning of fall semester but gradually began to draw within herself and dropped out over winter break. I have several friends here but none are very close. The other girls on my floor seem to make fun of me and disrespect me a lot, though I’ve done nothing to them and honestly tried being friends.
I’m so lonely so often lately and I really can’t take it. Especially since spring semester started, everyone seems to have all their friendships established already and I feel like such a loser. I’m doing well in my classes but have no classes with the few friends I have. I mostly eat alone because my schedule doesn’t seem fit with mine and they often forgot to ask me to go to eat with them.
Please help?

No Responses to “I’m So Lonely, Can Someone Please Just Talk To Me?”

  1. pebo says:

    Perhaps not having a “niche” IS your niche. You are unique..take pride in that and enjoy being you. Cultivate the friendships you have, and don’t worry about the quantity of relationships but rather concentrate on the quality. Your grades are good…you have a boyfriend…you are obviously attractive…these are big pluses in your life that would cause many,many others to be envious of YOU!
    As for the Asperger’s Syndrome…how does it manifest itself? Is it a major drawback in your day to day activities? Is there a support group you would be willing to join? If not in person, perhaps online?
    You seem to have alot going for you, but have alot of self-doubt. Realize your worth…to yourself, your family, your boyfriend, your school. It is cliche perhaps, but there is a huge difference in being alone and being lonely. Use some of that time alone to know yourself…I’m betting you will like what you find.

  2. Shiv Deep says:

    Please do not feel lonely.. Being a social animal you must have to interact with another people around you.
    If you are really not getting anybody to talk, it’s better to join a social networking sites like orkut, twitter or facebook. You will gona find good net friends over there..

  3. Tricia says:

    Sure I will be glad you talk to you. It’s hard fitting in anywhere just relax and be you. As for the girls that give you a hard time don’t pay attention to them. Im time you will find people you click with you.
    If you want to aim me im franzie4ever. Hope all works out.

  4. Pregnant Guy ;) says:

    Be more outgoing. Go to the mall, park, movies, etc. and you will meet tons of people to talk to. It’s best to go to school and meet people. Be confident when introducing yourself.

  5. Angel - says:

    Come to the site
    Thats where i go when i need someone to talk to (im on right now :D)
    Have fun~

  6. Bryan says:

    Erm… You really need to meet people and make friends. Maybe not in real life but even online friends are nice dear.

  7. cbgoo says:

    talk to your resident assistant.
    seriously. I am one, this is our job. to help people just life you.
    college takes a lot of adjusting, and I think you’d be surprised to find how many people feel like you do.
    make a list of things that you think are fun, exciting or you find interesting, and i guarantee that there is a club at your school about that. do that, you’ll me a ton of people, get involved.
    also, don’t be afraid to talk to people in your classes!! starting study groups can lead to some pretty solid friendships!

  8. Leonardo says:

    hey listen the first thing you need to realize is that you’re beautiful on the inside and out and no matter what syndrome you have theres no reason anyone should make fun or disrespect you…
    its just bad luck.
    honestly the people that are making fun and being like that are the losers…because college is a place where you start fresh and new…and the best part is everyones at a mature enough point in their life where they look past physical things like weight or height or….acne….or whatever…and understand that you should make friends for who they are…so those people that are rejecting you without even getting to know you? should still be in high school. listen it’s your freshman year. things just started. like i said youre starting NEW…FRESH…so what if you havent found a huge group of super tight knit friends…no one has….
    but if you want to be proactive about it…every college has clubs and groups and social things you can go to…and youre bound to make friends I promise. Also, your classes! you’de be surprised how easy it is to make friends in your classes by just saying something like “hey listen is there any way we can exchange numbers in case I eve rmiss class and have a question or something?” once you just say something like that you’re already friends…and you can sit next to eachother and meet to study for tests at a coffee shop or something….
    trust me they’ll be lucky to know you. you’re not a loser.

  9. Michael Bertrand says:

    I don’t know how to help you. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself sometimes for others but at the end I come to the conclusion that those moments pass. For me it’s all about how fast I can get over my mistakes and not repeat them. If you do everything you could to make friends and it doesn’t work then you will be satisfied. The truth(things how they really are) is satisfying and infinetely wise.
    It’s best if you go to sleep. Goodnight.


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