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What Online Business Should I Start?

Hello. I am 15 and I want to start my own online company. I don’t want to do affiliate marketing, MLM, etc. I want to actually start a company that sells a product or service. But since I don’t have a product, I would like to sell a service. What kind of service could I sell? I thought of a online music distribution service company that would put other people’s music on iTunes. The problem is, people can do that through Tunecore.
I also found a free website script on the internet that creates a music sharing website where bands and artists can share their music, and listeners can listen, rate, chat, etc.
I would like to make real adult money (50k-100k a year) from my company. What online service company could I start? Any ideas? I can make a basic website on, so would small businesses pay me to create a website for them? Any other service company ideas that could be very profitable?

No Responses to “What Online Business Should I Start?”

  1. Cyndie Friedmann says:

    I just got a $949.95 Dell laptop (17 inch) for $137.32 and if you think that’s an awesome deal, my neighbor just got a 42 inch HDTV for $76.25 that’s being delivered tomorrow to his house. It feels great not to pay high retail like the rest of the people. I am even selling some of the stuff at retail to my co-workers making 10 times my money back. Check out the site we found, go to

  2. nicky hilton says:

    hey see
    for this.
    you’ll see the links specificly about this on the left and the right side so you dont have to go and search everywhere
    searched and visited personally.

  3. ara77 says:

    if you can build sites, you should post on freelance site or various forums my favor is warrior-forum dot com , there is always people looking for services there,
    hope this helps a little

  4. Kirill Storch says:

    Well you have a couple of distinctive options, each of which represent the most viable areas in internet-based businesses. The way you go is contingent on one thing: Are you more of a creative thinker? Or more of a spatial thinker?
    If you are more of a creative thinker, i.e., talented at writing, have good people skills, enjoy reading and coming up with original concepts- you should strongly consider SEO and Social Media Mgmt. as your choice of online business.
    SEO is the ability to take a website and by re-envisioning their creative presence, and managing their online relations, getting them to rank higher on Google.
    It’s simple, the main skill base you need to have is 1) Writing. When you take a website and start managing their blog, Google looks at the amount of indexed pages they have about a certain topic. Lets say I am a company that sells skating gear and I want to get ranked on the Google keyword “skate helmet,”
    I hire you to start a “skate helmet” blog. Every day you go on there and write posts like “the 10 wildest skate helmet designs you have ever seen!”
    Or… “the 10 things about skate helmets kids don’t want you know…”
    Something catchy like that, to grab attention. As these attention grabbing headlines are sourcing traffic, the skating gear website improves popularity and increases in ranking. After that, you would be responsible for forging relationships and advertising the site online.
    If you are more of a linear, spatial thinker: You should consider online graphic design. This is for visual individuals that can play with space, curvature and design elements, You should be proficient in a design software like fireworks, illustrator, or photoshop. THere is wide demand for brochure designs, logos, and other virtual media collateral.
    But whichever way you decide to go, you will need to create branding for your business, a name, a typeface, and a concept. I included a link to a cool app that can automatically generate branding concepts for new businesses. It’s in the sources section.


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