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Negotiating With Car Dealers In This Economic Climate?

Early 2009, United States. It is no secret that the auto industry isn’t celebrating glory days.
Are the kelly blue book values accurate starting points for bidding, or are they over-valuing cars at this point?
What kinds of deals can buyers reasonably expect dealers to consider?
If you have any information specific to the types of cars/companies, I am in the market for a Honda: civic or Accord – new or used- Hybrid or regular. Would like to purchase over next several months- no hurry.

No Responses to “Negotiating With Car Dealers In This Economic Climate?”

  1. giveaway says:

    The BEST way to negotiate a car, and this was taught to me by a car dealer, take advantage of their fear and greed by walking into the showroom, ask for a manager or senior sales rep.
    After you decide the car you want, you can perform this approach either the same day or leave but make an appointment for the next day before you leave, and keep that appointment or call if you have to change it.
    1. Walk in with a stack of $100 bills
    2. Advise the sales rep you have a number in your head of what you’re willing to pay for that car
    3. State very clearly, that you’re going to start counting out $100 bills and you want the sales rep to say stop when you reach the lowest amount they will accept for that car
    4. But, if they don’t squeal before you reach your numer, then you will sweep your moeny off the desk and leave.
    At first, they may giggle and even object, but when they see that stack of hundreds hitting the desk while you count out loud, and then you begin to pause at certain amounts such as “nine… thousand”…. nine thousand, one hundred, Nine thousand, two hundred.
    It tortures the sales rep to see that stack of money that could possibly leave the dealership and you’ll get the lowest price they can take for the car.

  2. Sean says:

    Why is this in the enviroment section? The economic climate has nothing to do with the enviroment. lol…
    Go to for reviews and buying info. Shop around and ask for 10% off and settle for no less than 5%


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