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I Am A Conservative And It’s Not Fair How People Judge Me. Am I Really A ‘wicked Tory’?

Ok I consider myself a Liberal Conservative. I don’t agree with every Conservative policy out there but I find myself affiliated with them because of the following. Firstly I don’t think it makes me such a ‘Wicked Evil Tory’. I prefer to look at the Social Philosophy of a Political Party’s Ideology because in some Situations the country is placed in you often have to twist and modify to adapt to the change. Here is why I find myself voting for a Conservative government as I consider myself Centre Right.
– Self reliance
– Responsibility.
– Strong community
– Family
– Sustainability
– Morality, Ethical values
– Make work pay (rewarding the hard working. Support those who want to find work and pursue a forfilling career).
– Free market
– Supporting those who NEED it not this benefit culture of spongers who are very well capable of working but just choose not to. NEETs.
– Less state intervention in everyday peoples lives.
-Two fingers and a BIG NO to a BIG NANNY STATE.
-I love our European neighbours, such rich cultures.. of course im all for cultural exchange, multicultural society and trade. A Political union is not necessary and hurts Sovereignty for those countries in the EU. No to a United States of Europe. Or it least hold a referendum for the British public, we had one on the EEC (Trade) not the EU (Political Integration). I don’t think the way the EU is run is very democratic at all. Its being imposed all over Europe and is about Protectionism within Europe. Not open to the good points of Globalisation and it is very prejudice towards those outside of the EU.
– Tuition fee’s? Im for the rise because I don’t believe the tax payer should pay for MY degree. I am responsible for it not them. Why should a Lorry driver without a degree pay for mine? I don’t think my parents should pay for it but I understand for others your parents mightl I mean you could pay them back 0% interest :).
Here’s whats happening
– Students will still get a loan to cover the entire amount of the fees, meaning they won’t have to put up any of the money themselves.
– Students still won’t have to pay back the loan until they are earning a certain amount.
– If the student’s salary goes up so does the amount they pay back (the same as now), however if their salary goes down they will also pay less or none if it goes below the threshold again.
– After X amount of years (25-30, I’m not sure) the remainder is written off.
At the end of the day, when you reach the age to go to UNI you are an adult and I believe adults should have responsibility towards their Degree, finance etc and not rely on the state so much (taxpayer’s money). I believe the rise in tuition fee’s is fairer to the taxpayer
. In fact it isn’t even a rise it’s just shifting the bill from the taxpayer to the Individual. In fact students have it better than some countries, it least there is a cap at £9000. You’ll be an adult, take responsibility. The loans are very flexible. Sure you’ll have a bit of debt but depending on your income you’ll only pay back certain amount per month as long as you’re employed earning more than £23k. If you become unemployed you stop repaying until you’re employed again. After something like 30 years and not payed it off it’s written off. If you want a degree you should pay for it as it is your responsibility not everybody else’s. Look at this hardship in a positive light. Most of you are capable of being successful and holding your own burden of responsibility to become a forfilled independent adult who can put so much more back into society. That is why I am not protesting against these rises. It could be so much worse but it seems flexible and fair to me. Well thats my opinion 🙂
Sure while we’re growing up we tend to take a lot from society (Parents, State education, health care, no taxes etc). Once we’ve grown up we give back soo much more to society than we ever took out. I don’t mean just monetary wise. We take a lot out till we’re Young adults then we give back so much more till we reach our ripe old age. Which in itself is good for a nationwide community :). Think of like society has a small investment in young people and society gets a huge return in years to come.
Am I really a ‘Wicked Tory’. I look onto the left side of Politics too and try to understand, in fact I do agree with some things such as Minimum wage which is a great example… I consider myself Open minded which is why I don’t HATE lefties, I disagree with them mostly but I respect their opinion im sure they have reason for believing it, in fact I’ve learnt from some of their things. Only little though. I am 17 and I have noticed most young people are Lib dem or Labour which is a shame I wish they looked at the Philosophy of Ideology behind Political Parties :/.
I’d like to add I am not rich.

No Responses to “I Am A Conservative And It’s Not Fair How People Judge Me. Am I Really A ‘wicked Tory’?”

  1. isurvive says:

    life isn’t fair

  2. old grumpy says:

    What a character reference you have given yourself, makes me feel that I am the “wicked Tory” and not you.
    Have a peaceful day.

  3. Owen says:

    Wow, you’ve really thought about this. I’m glad to see that, more people should before they turn up to vote. I’m not from the UK, but I don’t judge you for what you believe. Right of centre is still centre imo, just don’t become a fascist and we’ll get along fine. Best of luck to the UK from Australia, hope you can fix your economy soon and get back to growth.

  4. Fox lying machine says:

    Good boy!

  5. Yoda says:

    Wow a great deal to read. The problem is that Tories have a lot of contradictory and simplistic ideals. The idea would work if we were all at some level equal. But we are not. The philosophy has no space for the weak or underprivileged to aspire to anything, except for in the exceptional cases. These people are paraded as examples of how you can overcome adversary to do well. But in reality they are the exceptions that prove the rule. In tory eyes everything is simple and the complexity of people is marginalized.
    Its not that you are wicked. But looking at the world through the eyes of someone that refuses to see the more complex issues makes you indifferent to them.
    Additional: Yes I agree with your additional comments. We do have a silly state of affairs in England where we are all treated like children by the state. This is an issue I would be happy to take any government to task with. But that is very different from an ideological perspective. Its more to do with the rights of the individual, which I do not see tories actually improving. They tend to throw you to the lions and hide behind the freedom banner. If they would really believe in freedom and self reliance you would see some changes that made that happen. Instead we have the rich telling the poor that they are scrounging, not trying hard enough and not paying for what they use. How is that going to change anything. The problem is in the way we run politics. Keeping people ignorant works because simple fixes will do when more proper ones are uncomfortable to implement.

  6. Matt says:

    It’s not fair that people judge you – sadly it’s not fashionable to be a Conservative and people who don’t understand politics and ideology think in black and white terms when reality is never black and white.
    However, people will and do judge you for being a Tory, but if you believe in your policies and can talk about politics and ideology in a mature way, then just know that they are ignorant twats.
    I’m not a Tory by any means, but reasonable debate is better than ill-thought out riots any day.

  7. frank S says:

    All I can say is don’t worry about it.
    You should be proud of being a Tory.
    The alternative, which is socialism, has failed time and again. Look to Russia, Cuba and North Korea and the old China for evidence of that.
    Your critics are probably Labourites.
    Just point out to them that whenever Labour manage to get into power the country is left virtually bankrupt and that it is left to the Tories to sort the mess out. You only have to look at recent history for evidence of that.

  8. Caliban says:

    Far too much explanation!
    You have nothing to justify.
    In the election Conservatives got 36% of the vote. The Labour party got 29%. So the majority of the UK agree with your views.
    Essentially, it’s quite simple:
    If you think government is a good thing and we need more of it paid for by more taxation – you are left wing, vote Labour.
    If you think government is a bad thing and we need a bit less of it and less taxation – you are right wing, vote Conservative.
    As a Tory myself, I acknowledge we need government. But a lot less and a lot less taxation. For example, I prefer people to help themselves not rely on a very inefficient and usually ineffective government for a handout.
    As a little thought experiment, try and think of two things the government does better than private enterprise. If you can think of just one – let me know!

  9. Alfred says:

    You’re not the first tory to consider themselves nice. I’m sure you are a pleasant enough chap in other ways. You’re merely totally wrong about how a civilised society should be run, that’s all. No hard feelings.

  10. Celia H says:

    I think you stand condemned out of your own mouth – not you alone, of course, you share some degree of responsibility with all the other Tories, irrespective of party (what were the newscorp labor PLC bastards but Tories, after all) for this country having been dragged, these past 30 years, down the American neoliberal road to hell, until it reached the stage of being the criminals’ street market and septic tank, with the scum risen to the top, that we suffer today.
    However, as a working class Tory, you quite clearly suffer from a massive attack of false consciousness (if you’re not reading political science you may need to Google this expression) and should stop taking the tablets, aka the world according to the Daily Mail and Rupert Murdoch.
    Sorry, but you did ask. And I suspect you are not, as an individual, so much wicked as totally and criminally misled.

  11. L says:

    You are very young, and have not yet lived through the misery and damage done to the country by a Tory government. I am disappointed that your parents, a teaching assistant and a lorry driver, both working class jobs, are Tories. No Tory government has ever done the working class any favours, as they are only interested in those who own the wealth, not those who produce it.
    It is a lack of regulation by government which allowed the Free Market to flourish, allowing bankers and insurance companies to wildly speculate with the money belonging to small investors and pension fund contributors which has put us in the mess we are in today.

  12. Kit Fang says:

    Just ignore people who call you an ‘evil tory’ – if they’re that instantly biased just because you say you are a Conservative, they’re clearly too stupid to be worth listening to anyway. Most people accept that everyone’s going to have different political opinions, and unless you’re going around saying Hitler was a great guy or you think all poor people should be shot, aren’t going to call you evil or wicked. Indeed, most accept that there have been just as many (if not more) bad Labour governments as Conservative ones, and just as many good.
    You are capable of clearly explaining your argument, whilst accepting that other people may have other opinions. Those who go around saying all Tories are scum or all conservatives are evil are those who are incapable of arguing their point without resorting to childish name-calling, and refuse to accept that any opinion other than their own can be right.
    Being a Conservative doesn’t make you evil, it makes you sensible and about as wicked as the other 40% of the country who vote Tory – i.e. not very.


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