Tag Archive | "Windows"

Is Windows 8 Similar To 7 Or Theres A Huge Difference Between Them?

I know that windows 8 doesn’t have start thing on left but are there more differences if theres a tutorial video please give it thanks!!

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Are There Any Advantages To Windows 8?

I hate it.

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Windows 8 Mouse Won’t Stop Taking Me To Calender Or Previous Screen?

I just now got Windows 8 on a new laptop I just got a 2 days ago, I previously had windows 7 which I loved. The problem is, every time I’m just scrolling on the internet, and my finger is normally propped on the left side of the mouse, and I go over to click something, making me scroll to the right in a sideways way, it takes me to normally a microsoft calender on the home screen, or a previous thing I had up earlier that day.
How do I stop this? It’s extremely frustrating, and I’ve browsed through the mouse settings, but I have yet to figure out this annoying problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Windows 8 Constantly Going To Home Screen?

I recently got a new lap equipped with Windows 8 (which I am unfamiliar with) and when I scroll sideways with the touchpad, it often goes straight to the Windows home screen. It does this constantly, and has become a bit annoying. How can I make it stop? Thanks!

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Windows 8 Weird Behavior?

I bought a new laptop and it has of course Windows 8 on it. It took me a couple of days to find my way around but and I’m doing well now. My problem is it keeps on flipping back and forth from laptop to menu for no reasons at ALL. Sometimes I am simply typing a text and then the font will start getting really big and I am not touching the ctrl key and +. The invisible menus appear when I don’t ask for it or my mouse is not running in the 4 corners of my screens or a game of solitary will start right in the middle of a task.
So my question is should my windows 8 be re-installed or these annoying behaviours are part of Windows 8 bugs everyone is talking about?
While I typed this short text on here my screen flipped 3 times back to menu !!

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What’s Your Opinion On Windows 8?

I’ve seen some reviews on it. I like the looks of it. I have Windows XP at the moment, I’m going to uprgade before April 2014. So Should I get Windows 7 Or Windows 8? Which one is better? Thanks in advance 🙂

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