Tag Archive | "uniqueness"

What Anime Is Even Better Than Ouran High Host Club?..?

I’m really pedantic about my anime, and usually like serious psychological kinds, but I am really enjoying Ouran High Host Club.
My question is what’s an anime that is even better than the already amazing Ouran High Host Club?
I loved the eccentric humour, and thought it was placed brilliantly with the characters. They all had personality, and just the overall uniqueness delivered from such an Anime; I find it hard to believe that there would be another series that could contend with it — this is why I brought the question forth onto here.
Please don’t list or affiliate or associate any anime that are linked with Vampire Knight, that is horrible. I don’t even consider it anime 🙁
I’ve heard people make comparison between Ouran and The Wallflower frequently? Would that be the most similar anime series to Ouran? If not, then what would be?

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Is It Wise To Pursue Historic Preservation?

I’m a 23 y/o college student who got off to a very slow start and I’m now 2 semesters away from my A.S. in Gallery and Museum Studies. For the past 4 years and change, I’ve worked the same p/t job on minimum wage (7.25). When I leave my current school, I’ll be 24. I’ve 2 choices. I can either transfer back to the 4-year college I started at (The program’s articulated w/ the BA program in Art History there) or go elsewhere. Now, very soon I’ll be interning with a non-profit organization that has to do with historic preservation. You see, what attracted me to Gallery and Museum Studies was it’s uniqueness. Not too long after I started on that path, I began to appreciate architecture near home and that led me to the internship. My confusion has to do with whether or not I should get my BA in Art History and then pursue Historic Preservation at a graduate school in New York City (I live in Queens). A Bachelor’s in Historic Preservation would take me away from home and I’m not prepared to pay for living expenses. Does it make sense to stay in Queens until I have my Bachelor’s (2013/14) and go from there? I worry all too often and I’m trying to figure out how everything will mesh (Museum studies, interest in preservation, etc.). Am I worrying for nothing? I’m trying to find my niche in this economic climate. I’d love to hear from people who’ve been or who are currently in a similar situation. Thanks for reading

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