Tag Archive | "non profit organization"

What Is A Georgia Limo?

The Georgia Limousine Association (GLA), is a non-profit organization comprised of limousine operators, affiliate and vendor members. For more information about Georgia limo please visit:-

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The Boys & Girls Club And Gang Prevention Question?

I’m doing a speech on a non-profit organization and have chosen The Boys & Girls club. I live in Los Angeles and focused the speech on troubled kids that may be gang affiliated and how the club helps kid’s and teens stay away from the streets and gangs. Basically how the club is a safe haven for kids that need a place to go. I need a few expert testimonies on how the club helps teens in gangs. here’s what I wrote:
“The B&G clubs of America strive to keep kid’s of the street. Whether they come from poor living conditions, troubled homes, or are surrounded by negative influences such as gangs or violence. They have a place to go no matter the circumstance.”
I’m having trouble finding an expert testimony on how the club helps kid’s in their gang prevention program. If anyone works for a B&G club that deals with kids in the program a testimony would be great as well as any links to them. It would help me out a lot!

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Is It Wise To Pursue Historic Preservation?

I’m a 23 y/o college student who got off to a very slow start and I’m now 2 semesters away from my A.S. in Gallery and Museum Studies. For the past 4 years and change, I’ve worked the same p/t job on minimum wage (7.25). When I leave my current school, I’ll be 24. I’ve 2 choices. I can either transfer back to the 4-year college I started at (The program’s articulated w/ the BA program in Art History there) or go elsewhere. Now, very soon I’ll be interning with a non-profit organization that has to do with historic preservation. You see, what attracted me to Gallery and Museum Studies was it’s uniqueness. Not too long after I started on that path, I began to appreciate architecture near home and that led me to the internship. My confusion has to do with whether or not I should get my BA in Art History and then pursue Historic Preservation at a graduate school in New York City (I live in Queens). A Bachelor’s in Historic Preservation would take me away from home and I’m not prepared to pay for living expenses. Does it make sense to stay in Queens until I have my Bachelor’s (2013/14) and go from there? I worry all too often and I’m trying to figure out how everything will mesh (Museum studies, interest in preservation, etc.). Am I worrying for nothing? I’m trying to find my niche in this economic climate. I’d love to hear from people who’ve been or who are currently in a similar situation. Thanks for reading

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What Is A Non-profit Organization?

I work in a historic museum that is well supported by its community and the city. One day a customer came into my organization looked around, and started suggesting that we sell more framed prints in order to make a profit, she said, “you could make a profit”. It seemed like she was unsatisfied with the museum, it is a small museum, but it has its purpose. it was like she was unhappy with the tourism aspect of our organization. Is it appropriate to suggest something like that to an organization that is non-profit. It is our members, visitors, patrons, and trustees that make our organization what it is.
Was it rude of her? She was not a member, and she was not affiliated with the historic association by business. She did not even hand over a business card. What do you suppose her motive was? Would you ever just walk in to a non-profit historic organization and start suggesting things tp sell in order to make a profit? just wondering…

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Can A Non-profit Incorporation Be National?

I’ve got a lot of questions in one:
How does a non-profit organization become national? Is the initial incorporation national, or can you only incorporate at a State level? How does a non-profit specify that it wishes to be a national corporation?
Also, if there is a parent non-profit that is state-based, can that non-profit have a daughter affiliate that is national? What must one do for that?

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I Need To Create A Database For My Non-profit Organization Using Ms Access, Can Someone Help Me Out?

I am new to MS Access and I was told by many that Access would be the program to use for keeping a strong database. I want to create a database where I can enter in each client and there personal information (ex: name, address, phone number, etc), and also create a file that is affiliated with each client that stores the questions & answers to the survey they each received after using our services.
Is something like this possible with MS Access?
Each client will have there own account number that can be accessed at anytime using that specific account number. The survey that each client receives has about 15 questions with 5 options to choose for an answer (ex: Strongly agree, Strongly disagree, etc). I want to be able to create this Survey file so when I receive the survey from my clients I can enter in there answers and save it according to each clients account number. The survey will be the same for all clients, but the answers will be different of course, so I want to create the survey file so all I have to do is go into the file, enter in the answers the client chose and save it according to the clients account number.
Is all this possible with MS Access or should I be using some other program?
Please help out as much as you can, I have limited time and limited resources, If I need to invest in MS Access I need to put in the request ASAP for the funding. This database will be very helpful when helping out families with children who have a disability.
I look forward to your help and advice, Thanks.

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