Tag Archive | "Today"

Are Soldiers Who Were Fighting In Iraq Better Off Today Than Four Years Ago?

Is Al Queda better off today than four years ago?
Is bin Laden better off today than four years ago?
Are 4 million employed Americans better off today than four years ago?
Is GM, Chrysler, and all their affiliates better off today than four years ago?
Or, is it simply ok to pick out one segment and, if THEY are not better off today than four years ago, then nothing else matters?

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“automated Bot” How To Make It?

Okay so I was on the internet today reading a researching about making money online. Like making money on autopilot. Basically it’s this software you can make that will do all the work for you and you just bring in money all the big big gurus use it and it is suppose to be one of their secrets to make large bills online it works really good with affiliate marketing my bestfriend uses it but he is so busy on vacation and buying mansions and sports cars he has no time for his long time bro. They say you have to be good a computer programming so where and how to do I start.

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What Are You Doing About Monday………..?

Buy on rumours, sell on news?
The secret polls put the Greek democrats firmly ahead (pro-bailout), so unless something extraordinary happens, it’s likely good news.
But the daily charts for many stocks are bearish.. e.g. C, many others.
So how will you trade this?
Will you buy today hoping to sell next week in spite of questionable technicals?
Or wait for Monday to decide?
Assuming markets gap up on Monday

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When Republicans Call Obama A Socialist Are They Hoping That We Don’t Notice That They Are Socialists Too?

So, there is now no doubt that Barack Obama was a “card-carrying socialist” in his early political career. But the GOP’s gleeful use of this revelation against Mr. Obama in the presidential campaign hides in plain sight a much bigger problem: Most politicians in America today, including virtually all Republican “leaders” like Mitt Romney, are socialist fellow travelers. Fellow-traveling Republicans have been an open secret since Richard Nixon admitted “We are all Keynesians now,” by which he meant that what Keynes called “New Liberalism” had won the day.
John Maynard Keynes was the quintessential socialist fellow traveler who almost single handedly transformed the economics profession into an intellectual front for central planning and collectivist government intervention in the name of rectifying what he asserted were inherent flaws and instabilities in free markets.
In a recent keynote address delivered to the Seventh Annual Moral Foundations of Capitalism Conference at Clemson University, Dr. Richard M. Ebeling (professor of Economics at Northwood University), highlighted Keynesian fellow traveling. Ebeling pointed out, for example that in Keynes’s magnum opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Keynes was forthright and unapologetic in his belief that Soviet Russia had an advantage over the West due to its “almost religious revolutionary fervor, its romanticism of the common working man, and its condemnation of money-making. Indeed, the Soviet attempt to stamp out the ‘money-making mentality’ was, in Keynes’s mind, ‘a tremendous innovation.’”http://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrencehunt…

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Is This English Text Correct? Please? 10 Points!?

I have to write a handout for English class ( I’m from Austria, bdw) and the teacher has no time to correct it in advance. I don’t want to give a handout full of mistakes to my class mates, so could you please tell me the mistakes in the four texts below? thanks a lot!
Chips with Everything
Chips, crisps, potato watches – they are almost everywhere, eaten with almost every meal: potatoes. But have you ever asked where they came from? It all started in Peru, where they grew potatoes over 2,000 years ago, but they were smaller than today and tasted bitter. Spanish explorers discovered them in the 1550s and brought them to Spain. However, people did not really like them and they were mainly given to slaves and prisoners as they were quite cheap. They slowly made their way through Europe, but people kept thinking they were poisonous. But then supposedly King Louis of France, who loved potatoes, planted them in the royal gardens to make them seem valuable. His plan worked: the plants were stolen and became a popular part of French diet.
The chips were probably invented by the Belgians. In England they were first mentioned by the famous author Charles Dickens. In America they are called French fries because American soldiers tasted them first in France during World War I – nowadays the Americans eat over 20 million tonnes of chips a year.
The crisps were invented by a Native-American chef, whose customer kept demanding his fried potatoes sliced more and more thinly. The dish was an immediate success.
The Fortune Cookie
Fortune cookies are small sweet biscuits that are served at the end of a meal in a Chinese restaurant. Written on a piece of paper inside them is your fortune, for instance ‘You will write a book one day’. The Chinese people have always given each other sweet Moon Cakes on special occasions. When the Mongols occupied China, the Chinese used them as a way to send secret messages to each other. When many Chinese people went to America during the gold rush they kept putting messages of hope inside biscuits on celebrations. And as they settled in California and opened restaurants, they continued this tradition.
A Short History of the Pizza
The very origin of today’s pizza is in Greece where people first put various ingredients onto a flat round dough –cake and baked it over an open fire. This dish was called ‘pita’ which is also where the name ‘pizza’ comes from. The Etruscans brought it to Italy. It spread in Europe, but it was still a dish for poor people. When the tomatoes came to Europe people started putting them onto their pitas. Slowly the newly born pizza became a local specialty in Neapel. But then King Umberto and his wife Queen Margherita visited Neapel and wanted to try the new dish although it still stuck with the reputation of being a poor people’s meal. A chef put tomatoes, mozzarella and basil onto it – in order to reassemble the Italian flag – and named his creation ‘Margherita’. Apparently the queen was so enthusiastic about the result the pizza became acceptable for the nobility as well.
Coca Cola
Coca Cola was invented by an American pharmacist in order to cure diseases like impotence, headache and morphine addiction. He sold it to the business-man Candler who founded the Coca Cola Company and started an aggressive marketing plan making it one of the most popular drinks of America. Today, more than 1 billion drinks of Coca Cola are consumed per day.
Thanks! you’re great!:)

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What Kind Of Website, In Your Opinion Will Create A Niche For Itself In 5 Years’ Time?

For example, facebook and Twitter are used for social networking, YouTube for videos.. So what kind of niche which isn’t fully exploited today would boom, in say 5 years time?
BQ: websites you visit most often, along with age, nationality and gender.

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