Tag Archive | "plethora"

Does He Like Me Or Is He Just Friendly?

I’m a huge introvert so I’m REALLY not used to being social to others outside of my niche of friends.
One day when I was at a friend’s Sweet 16 the guy and I sorta gravitated to together since we didn’t really know anyone there other than one and other plus the girl with the birthday. Anyways, we had a lot of fun together dancing and talking.
We’ve been talking on facebook frequently and he’s always the one to initiate them. However, during lunch we hardly talk to each other, not because it’s awkward or anything but because he has a LOT of friends and we have mostly different friends, so we’re on the opposite sides of the cafeteria. This had me wondering if he actually fancies me or is just friendly. He is always talking to other girls and hugging but he still talks to me even when he has a plethora of friends.
Also, we sorta made plans for this weekend to go to the movies.
I want to tell him I like him but I don’t want to say it if he was just being a friend.
Does he like me or am I just assuming to much?

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What Should I Major In Given That I’m Not That Good In Mathematics?

It seems like most lucrative degrees and eventual careers nowadays are math-centric. You really need to have an affinity for numbers if you want to get a decent job in this crappy economy.
I, on the hand, am not that good in mathematics. I excel in other areas. My bad luck with numbers is averted in effect by my affinity with words. I am excellent in utilizing the English language. Being a bookworm, I have good reading comprehension, a wide array of knowledge on a plethora of topics, and am a speed reader. Such skills seem to be overlooked, if not completely ridiculed, by employers. A solid career seems unclear to me as of now. I just want to find a niche major and stick with it in college.
Can anyone suggest any major which would fit my seemingly mediocre skills?

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What Should I Major In Given That I’m Not That Good In Mathematics?

It seems like most lucrative degrees and eventual careers nowadays are math-centric. You really need to have an affinity for numbers if you want to get a decent job in this crappy economy.
I, on the hand, am not that good in mathematics. I excel in other areas. My bad luck with numbers is averted in effect by my affinity with words. I am excellent in utilizing the English language. Being a bookworm, I have good reading comprehension, a wide array of knowledge on a plethora of topics, and am a speed reader. Such skills seem to be overlooked, if not completely ridiculed, by employers. I just want to find a niche major and stick with it in college.
Can anyone suggest any major which would fit my seemingly mediocre skills?

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What Should I Major In Given That I’m Not That Good In Mathematics?

It seems like most lucrative degrees and eventual careers nowadays are math-centric. You really need to have an affinity for numbers if you want to get a decent job in this crappy economy.
I, on the hand, am not that good in mathematics. I excel in other areas. My bad luck with numbers is averted in effect by my affinity with words. I am excellent in utilizing the English language. Being a bookworm, I have good reading comprehension, a wide array of knowledge on a plethora of topics, and am a speed reader. Such skills seem to be overlooked, if not completely ridiculed, by employers. I just want to find a niche major and stick with it in college.
Can anyone suggest any major which would fit my seemingly mediocre skills?

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What Should I Major In Given That I’m Not That Good In Mathematics?

It seems like most lucrative degrees and eventual careers nowadays are math-centric. You really need to have an affinity for numbers if you want to get a decent job in this crappy economy.
I, on the hand, am not that good in mathematics. I excel in other areas. My bad luck with numbers is averted in effect by my affinity with words. I am excellent in utilizing the English language. Being a bookworm, I have good reading comprehension, a wide array of knowledge on a plethora of topics, and am a speed reader. Such skills seem to be overlooked, if not completely ridiculed, by employers. I just want to find a niche major and stick with it in college.
Can anyone suggest any major which would fit my seemingly mediocre skills?

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How Do You Overcome A Security Clearance Obstacle?

Recently, the I.T. company I worked for closed it’s doors. The reason was due to the economy. Our client base either cancelled their services with us due to them closing their doors or just cutting back for economic reasons.
I didn’t like this but thought that I would really have no problems getting another job as I usually scanned the I.T. job listings online and there seemed to be plenty listed. I also figured that my CCNA & CCNA/Security certifications would be a plus as well, not to mention I am working on my CCNP.
Here is the problem. Now that I am actually in the job market, I still have no problem in finding a plethora of I.T. job listings, however, 99% of these listings have a stipulation that the applicant must have a current security clearance or in many instances, a top secret clearance. With out either of these, they will not even consider you. Years ago I never saw these requirements, though I do remember seeing that you must be able to get one of these clearances once employed; now, as said, they won’t even talk to you without having a current clearance. I never needed a clearance with the last company I worked for so I never thought about this either. I also see no reason why I couldn’t be cleared as well.
How does one get one of these clearances, or am I just screwed here with my certifications, training and experience and now unmarketable commodity?

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