Tag Archive | "niche"

How Would You Characterize The Niche Of A Virus?

I wouldn’t know…

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Can Somebody Explains Me What Is Niche Beer?

i just don’t know what niche beer is. Can somebody explain please?

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Anyone Want To Trade Backlinks For Our Websites In The Finance/investments/money Niche?

Let me know what your website is and we can write guestposts with backlinks to each other to help our SEO

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Retail Stores Versus Online Stores For Niche Markets?

This is kind if a speculative question but I’m curious what people think.
A few examples of niche could be something like a ‘tea’ or a skateboard store….
The one thing with online is it might take a bit more to attract customers versus a store and shipping costs could add a bit to orders as well but there still is potential to reach a bigger amount of people if the audience is there,
Which do you think might get more business in these kinds of stores online or retail?

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How Would You Define The Word, “niche”?

The role or function of an organism or species in an ecosystem. Or a small hole or space in something.

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How To Market Niche Products?

I have a small company engaged in the manufacture of niche machinery. The problem is that I am a designer and we have got some good clients but only some who are faithful to us.
We have a good internet presence also as most of the business works through the net but I am not satisfied with the number of clients who always seem to be very less.
What do I do to increase them ?
I am thinking of doing an MBA in marketing is it a good option?
I am a fresh passed out mechanical engineer.

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