Tag Archive | "Retail"

What Strategy Can A Small Retail Business Use To Boost Sales Vs Amazon?

Amazon is quickly taking over the retail market – all retail. I noticed they are impacting Walmart’s sales and if that’s the case, what’s next? How does a small business sell products at a profit when folks are just surfing to Amazon and buying the same product cheaper? Any tips that you’ve used would be great help!

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Retail Stores Versus Online Stores For Niche Markets?

This is kind if a speculative question but I’m curious what people think.
A few examples of niche could be something like a ‘tea’ or a skateboard store….
The one thing with online is it might take a bit more to attract customers versus a store and shipping costs could add a bit to orders as well but there still is potential to reach a bigger amount of people if the audience is there,
Which do you think might get more business in these kinds of stores online or retail?

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