Tag Archive | "marilyn manson"

Why Am I So Easily Influenced?

I’m pretty sure nobody really knows what I mean, so I’ll elaborate. I’m a teenager, grade nine, and I always seem to be looking for somewhere to fit in. I can watch a movie, say fight club, and then afterwards I want to be just like Tyler Durden. I watch a Marilyn Manson video, and suddenly I have the urge to go all spooky goth. I keep trying to tell myself to let go and be myself, but something in my head tells me that myself isn’t enough. Like I’m looking for my niche, where I fit-in in this big world. I want to change my wardrobe, and hang out with similar people, and listen to the music, and think the thoughts. I don’t know where to turn, so I turn over to you. Thanks ahead of time.

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