Tag Archive | "Logical"

How Does Obama Arming Al Qaeda Rebels In Syria Make Any Logical Sense?

Sending ammunition, small arms and ground to air shoulder rockets to the enemy, composed of the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusrah and Hezbollah, we have been engaged with for 12 years seems counter productive.
Especially when we consider that he just told us we shouldn’t get pulled into conflicts counter to our interest in the Arabian Peninsula.
Except if you remember recently Obama declared the winding down of the war with Al Qeada.
ThinkProgress reports Obama’s statement:
“Groups like [Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula] must be dealt with, but in the years to come, not every collection of thugs that labels themselves Al Qaeda will pose a credible threat to the United States,” Obama said. “Unless we discipline our thinking and our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight, or continue to grant presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states.” http://thinkprogress.org/security/2013/0…
Is he just uninformed, does he have a very short memory or is he a seditious supporter of radical, conservative Islamic Wahhabi & Muslim Brotherhood terrorists?
What is his motivation to send arms, to oppose Putin?
Can we trust him, does he know what he is talking about, does he have the United State’s best interest at heart? Is he performing his sworn duty to protect the U. S. Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic?
Progressives, Do we need to fight this war?

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Is The Logical End Result For Evolution The Destruction Of Everything?

Because that’s what man is to nature….the destroyer
He fills no evolutionary niche, he fits no environment, he is not part of any “circle of life” he produces is nothing, consumes everything, and that which would have sustained itself indefinitely (plant and animal Life) is destroyed when he touches it (rain forest)
Is this really the apex of evolution……the destroyer of all things?
Or was man purpose made, and just went to sin?

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Is It Possible To Say Anything About Politics Without Getting Flamed Or Reported?

why is everybody so touchy nowadays?
all I said was that most white affiliate themselves with the republican party while most blacks affiliate themselves with the democratic party
this is simply a demographic conclusion.
is it possible then that people in politics are PUNISHED for being LOGICAL?

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If It Is Logical To Use Al-qaeda And Hamas As Representatives Of Islam?

Keep in mind that Islam is a religion with over 1 BILLION followers. Would it then be equally logical to use KKK, as representatives of Christianity
This just demonstrates, among many other examples, the incredible stupidity of the right. There are extremists in every faith, but righties are so monumentally stupid that they think this not only does not applies to Christianity, but also that the vast majority of Muslims are not in, nor affiliated with those groups

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