Tag Archive | "Location"

How Do You Put A ‘win A Free Ipod’ Type Banner On A Website?

Are they a part of an affiliate system or are they just ads OR is the code/script available in a different location? I know they can be annoying but I have a techy website and it’ll fit in ideally. Would love any info. Thanks!

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Where Can I Get Custom Glass Shelves In The Downtown Area Of Chicago?

Glassworks used to have a location at North & Clybourn but their only location now is in the suburbs and I am in need of a local business that can cut custom glass shelving for a wall niche. Thank you!

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Do You Think That Christian Affiliated Ngos Are Doing More Harm Than Good In Africa?

By propagating the idea that condom use is a sin in a location that is a hot bed for aids transfer? Not to mention the refusal of help of homosexuasl and only giving out supplies to those who attend their church services? Seem very manipulative and I know that the red cross has issues with these types of ngos who are causing health risks.

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What Are Two Similar Species That Are Often Found Together? (like Pigeons And Sparrows).?

Ok oh my god i’ve been searching similar spieces that are found together for the past 4 hours!! At first I did lions and tigers but lions live in africa and tigers live in asia therefore they are not often found together. I need two species that usially compete for food and if possible in the same “family”. Like pigeons and sparrows are from the “bird family” Ok plzz help with these questions:
Choose two similar species that are often found together (like pigeons and sparrows).
Find three locations where both species live.
Hypothesize how the features of each location affect the population of each species.
Is there evidence of competitive exclusion or niche differences? Explain.

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Define: The Niche…?

a.is the same as “range”
b.refers to the physical location of a species
c.includes the resource needs of a species
d.is considered a non-scientific idea
e.forces species to live in sub-optimal habitat

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Starfish Report???????????

Hi. I need to do a report on starfish and include the following about them:
-Explain the organisms interaction between it’s species and other species
-Identify location in food web and tropic level
-Identify factors that effect the organisms success in the wild
If you could provide information or links that include this information that would be great. Thank you.

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