Tag Archive | "journalism"

Anyone With Up To Date Advice On Freelance Journalism?

I’ve been looking up previous questions on this but there don’t seem to be that many recent ones. Does anyone out there in Yahoo land have experience of working as a freelance writer in the UK, or of submitting speculative articles with or without success to newspapers etc? I should explain that I am not a teenage dreamer, I am a mature person with a solid knowledge of a niche subject and a track record of academic writing about it, kind of looking to transition to writing about my subject in a more commercial way. Just really wondering whether it’s possible to get paid for writing at all now, or is everything taken free from social media ??

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What To Ask A Car Company’s Marketing Dept For A Journalism Interview?

What to ask a car company marking dept for a journalism interview?I have this school project to interview a marketing person for a small car company. It’s a mini-interview, just about 10-15 questions. What should I ask?I was thinking asking about the differences in cars marketed to that particular country, the challenges in selling a niche car, etc. Any ideas?

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Do You Feel It Is Appropriate For Obama’s Labor Secretary To Attend A Ceremony Honoring A Communist?

NEW YORK – A labor group affiliated with the nation’s largest union is giving its highest prize for journalism to a writer from the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.
President Obama’s labor secretary, Hilda Solis, will be on hand for the awards dinner this week to lead a special session on how to respond to “expected” attacks from the new Republican-led House.

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