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Will An Atheist Republican Fit In In Texas?

I am not one of those atheists that goes around trashing people’s religion and tries to start fights with religious people.
I keep my religion to myself and I would only tell somebody if they asked me.
Oh, I don’t tell me to move to Austin or some other liberal place like that, part of the reason that I want to leave Minnesota is because I’m surrounded by liberal democrats.
I like hunting, fishing, ATVing, trucks, and warm weather.
So, my only real abnormality I suppose would be that I don’t affiliate with any religion. Would I be accepted by the Texans as long as I don’t trash their beliefs?
NOTE: Please only respond if you live in Texas (I don’t care if you are a liberal, conservative, moderate, Republican, Democrat, or Independent). I would prefer not to have a bunch of people in Massachusetts making assumptions based on what they saw on MSNBC answering this.

No Responses to “Will An Atheist Republican Fit In In Texas?”

  1. The Dude Abides says:

    “atheist republican”??? isn’t that an oxymoron?

  2. Mr. Bluelight says:

    Texas sucks.
    Been there.

  3. Benjamin says:

    @The Dude Abides, I was going to say that
    but it really is

  4. Great Gazoo says:

    I used to live there. Austin was great. Phoenix has all that too.
    And yes, I’m as conservative as it gets.

  5. Lance says:

    You’re makin a big mistake not moving to Austin……

  6. starscre says:

    Msnbc isnt any where near being liberal why do people keep saying that is beyond me


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