Tag Archive | "health reasons"

If The Secret Recipe For Coca Cola Contains Alcohol They Lied To Us – Can This Be Proved?

Coca Cola used to contain traces of Cocaine – hence the name.
That was taken out years ago because of the laws.
People with allergies, people who have children and also Muslims and other faiths
have previously contacted the company Coca Cola who have always stated that there
is no alcohol added to the drink, if it was in there it would be a natural product and
not something added or fermented on purpose.
I’m sure they are regulated by the food commission or something, but because of all the
hype today that the secret recipe is out and because an ingredient states clearly
Alcohol 8 oz.
I would like everyone that is bothered to petition them to check for alcohol content on
this drink.
There is no question that it is addictive – the question is why?
Before you say that it is such small quantities it does not matter.
It is our decision and the label should clearly show all ingredients
for allergy and health reasons etc…
Why should they get away with keeping the truth about what’s in it
a secret? It may be marketing hype but people have right to know
now this ‘secret recipe’ has come out – and we don’t want to know
from the Coke company nor from some food agency that’s been paid off.
Someone else should check it out – maybe on TV live or something?
Who’s with me?

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I don’t know if I even used the correct terms.. Well anyway I have searched and searched and couldn’t find a place to ask this or get information on the subject so I decided to use yahoo. Well I am a 21 year old male and for health reasons can’t work and for some reason also have not been able to get disability of any kind.
The point of the question is that I want to take a shot at having a website(no particular theme/specialty) and use google adsence and affiliate programs(i think thats what its called) to get at least a little income.When you sell someone else’s products on your site and get 10% commission. I don’t see what could go horribly wrong since I don’t think it would cost much to give it a shot. But I have no clue where to start. I have no skills so I was thinking I would pay someone to make the site and then go from there.

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