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Need Some Advice, Please Help?

I’ll try and make this short. I’ve been friends with this girl since middle school, we’re 22 now. Now it’s gotten to the point where I can no longer handle it anymore. She’s been so mean, and so negative about my accomplishments for like the last few years, while I’ve been supportive for her. Here are some examples.
-Last year, I graduated Phi Theta Kappa, from a tech college with a degree in dental assisting, to me it was a huge accomplishment to have such a high GPA in a program that had extreme rigor and an altered grading scale.
-I’m going to school to be a dentist, and I’m doing my undergrad right now, where I got into an all women’s university that is one of the best schools in the midwest, she kept calling me a lesbian, saying really horrible things to me..I don’t have problems with lesbians but I’m not one, I went to this school because it’s a great school.
-I wrote two papers this semester that have been published, I didn’t know this was going to happen, my English professor suggested I get them published, but still was so excited, and she told me everything she is doing is so much more important (I’m a Pre-Dentistry and Biology major, Chemistry and English minor, I work so hard, while her major is early childhood education, and it’s apparently harder than a science major)
-Lastly, I’ve recently lost 20lbs on my own, she joined weight watchers, which is continuously rubbed in my face, and she’s lost less weight than me but I have to continue to show her praise when I get no recognition.
I’m really sick of being put down for things that I accomplish. I earn my success and have found my niche, I want her to be happy for me, especially with all the support I give her. We’ve been friends for so long, but now I’m just miserable. I haven’t responded to any of her text messages recently because I’m not sure what to do. I’ve tried on numerous occasions to talk to her, and she blows up in my face and calls me a bad friend. Help please..I don’t know how to stop being friends with her..
Sorry this is long, please no rude comments.

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