Tag Archive | "fundraiser"

High School Car Wash In Swimsuits?

Is it appropriate? We are all seniors in high school, and there will be boys as well as girls.
However, there will be girls in bikinis and most of those girls will be attractive.
It won’t be anything purposely slutty.
But what else are you suppose to wear on a hot day during a car wash?
Wet clothing is equally as suggestive as bikinis, imo.
Anyways, do you think this is appropriate? Would it be all right for us to do this as a fundraiser? It doesn’t violate any club rules, and we’re not affiliating it with our high school.

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Where Can I Find A Clothing Wholesaler That Makes Maternity Shirts?

I am participating in a fundraiser to raise awareness about pregnancy health and we wanted to sell maternity t-shirts with our logo/message on them at some events. I have been looking for a wholesaler where I can buy the maternity shirts either blank or even pre-printed & this specialty niche clothing item seems to be VERY pricey compared to regular shirts from the little info I have found on it! Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I can look for wholesale/bulk maternity clothes? Thank you!

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How Should My College Pagan Student Group Raise Money For Ritual Supplies And Other Group-related Expenses?

I’m not sure if we should ask for dues, since the group is starting out and I don’t want to turn off any potential members because we are demanding money from them. Perhaps we could have a fundraiser? What could be a cool, fun, possibly Pagan-themed fundraiser? Maybe we could do both?
We’re already planning to gain some revenue when we host community events (where we are open to the public and not just our students) where we will ask for a fee from non-college-affiliated people attending.
But the school does not support any groups financially, and if we decide to have a fundraising event, we have to submit a formal request and have it approved, which may take awhile and involves the hassle of paperwork.
What should we do?

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