Tag Archive | "From"

I Received A Mail From A Affiliate Company In Canada, Informing Me That That They Have Made A Digital Fund Tra?

And I bet they want some personal data to verify the transfer, don’t they? If you were expecting it, then they already have the necessary data. So this doesn’t pass the smell test.

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Why Would Washington Post Publish This News From Miami?

For some weeks now Miami Herald only allows subscribers to click on their articles, so I basically read headlines and then look them up on internet. Most of the time the first site to show is CBS, and at times local WSVN, which is a Fox affiliate. Now, looking up the news about the Miami doctor facebook incident, I’m so surprised to see Washington Post all the way up there at beginning of searches.
Why would they be interested in this particular case about Miami, when sooooo many extremely more important–and scandalous events–take place in Miami almost weekly?http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/p…

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I Need Help Finding Comic/manga From My Past?

I remember reading a comic book in middle school about a young girl who knows about the secret world of monsters. I remember the girl was mature and very serious with short hair. I only remember two parts from the series: one was when she was babysitting a neighbor’s baby, only to be snached away and sold into the monters slave market. When she attempts to save the baby, she ends up being part of the slave auction. She was saved when a ally from the monster’s realm buys her. In the end he tells her that the baby could not be saved because he was already bought. To cover up that the baby was missing they use a goblin (I think) to disguise as the baby for a short time. The second one I remember was when she unexpectly gains popularity with her classmates. She then finds out that she has a doppelganger that is slowly taking over her life. She or the doppelganger confront the other. The doppelganger then begins to tell the girl all of the achivement it has done in short amount of time it was inpersonating her. About how it was more popular with her family and classmates, how it did better in sports and academically. I believe that the girl was beginning to disappear because she be believed the doppelganger was better at being her, until it said to her that it made a better her then she did. The girl had snapped out of it and begain to tell it that it can never be a better her then she was. Thus killing the doppelganger into a smokey shadow. If you know any mangas or comic book story that is similar to what I described, feel free to suggest it.

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Hi I’m From Berlin And I Need Help With My Homework?

Could you please check my grammar ? I’m really bad and my english teacher always gives me E’s and D’s. And If you have words with which the text sounds better, you would really help me.Thanks 🙂
Charles is a good-looking, boyish Briton who represents the perfect type of an English gentleman. Thanks to his dishevelled, black hair, fellow men are rating him as e.g. “cute” or as Matthew “scruffy”. And even though he is being definitely courted by the ladies for his charming way, he is single. In addition he speaks posh – English, what shows that he affiliates to an upper Class, however he swear and says “****” a lot.
Furthermore Charles is, next to his friend Fiona, her brother Tom, Matthew, Gareth and Scarlett, with whom he lives together, very popular. Not only was he invited to every wedding but also acts on one as the best man. Besides his friends, he has a deaf brother, who can only communicate through sign language, wherefore Charles mastered the language. Although Charles has a lot of friends, he drops a brick with his tactlessness and Lack of sensitivity. For example when John breaks/ opens that he is no longer with his girlfriend and Charles blabs about his now-wife’s infidelity. Also the conversation with his ex-girlfriends is hurting some guest feelings, when they make fun of Charles’ Elapsed. Other characteristics of Charles are e.g. unreliability (when he is forgetting to take the rings with him), he is chronically late, carless (for example when he drives backwards on the freeway). Also he can be hypocritically (when Henrietta asks him if Fiona calls her ‘Duckface’ he answers with ‘no’) and he is rude e.g. his jokes. Besides his negative characteristics he has a good humour and takes guests to laugh with his best man speech. Another typical property is his use of the British idiom, as “bloody”, “bugger” and “blimey”.
From the beginning of the film it is clear that Charles found “the right girl” with Carrie and he has falling in love with her. When Charles heard about the engagement of Carrie, he starts for the first time during a conversation with Matthew to questioning, why his previous relationships never worked out and the fear is coming over him, that maybe there is something wrong with him. This hypothesis is reinforced when Henrietta says, that he is turning into a kind of serial monogamist. Furthermore he has hardly no self-confidence, because although Carrie called their coitus “really lovely”, he never takes the initiative to persuade her to be in a relationship with him. While at the beginning of the movie, Charles is still searching for the right one, however at the ending he is chasing by the fear of being forever a bachelor. Thereby he decides to marry Henrietta, though he only needs a person who loves him without exceptions.
Towards the end he changes his perspective on marriage and that it is more important to be with the one you love then to be married at all

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Should Professional Politicians Be Banned From The White House?

Maybe its time for an intelligent, yet not politically affiliated person to run for president. Any thoughts on the idea?

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Translation From Hindi To English?

Toh tum niche kaise gaye? – “How you go down” or “How you went down”?

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