Tag Archive | "finding people"

What’s With The Surveys People?

The survey schemes … I understand that a beginner might be a little naive and sign up to promote them, but aren’t most of us onto it by now? Where do they keep finding people to promote these things??
Sorry, but this is actually starting to make me angry! How many people get completely turned off of the whole idea of working at home, due to bad experiences with this kind of crap? It’s sooo pervasive that if you’re trying to do something legitimate, you can’t even get seen in the wah niche.

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What’s With The Surveys People?

The survey schemes … I understand that a beginner might be a little naive and sign up to promote them, but aren’t most of us onto it by now? Where do they keep finding people to promote these things??
Sorry, but this is actually starting to make me angry! How many people get completely turned off of the whole idea of working at home, due to bad experiences with this kind of crap? It’s sooo pervasive that if you’re trying to do something legitimate, you can’t even get seen in the wah niche.

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Who Wants To Help A Good Cause?

The Houston Holocaust Museum is trying to collect 1.5 million butterflies (not real ones) to represent the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. Information about this program can be found at this link. http://www.hmh.org/ed_butterfly1.shtml
I wish I could do more to help them, but I can’t draw a stick. I guess my contribution will be finding people who ARE artistic to help. The deadline is December 31 of this year, so there is plenty of time to make a few butterflies. I hope that you will help.
I should add that I am not affiliated with the museum in any way.

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Successful Basic Affiliate Marketing Tips

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Successful affiliate marketers have several qualities that make them good at what they do. Not everyone will have what it takes, but may carve out a nice niche for themselves and do quite well. Read on for more.

If this is your only source of income, you’ll need to give this business your all. Don’t do part of your homework or wait for others to hand things to you. If you want to be a successful affiliate marketing person, do what it takes to get ahead. This is your business, so treat it as such. We can look at ways to make you more successful and make your learning curve shorter so you get results quicker and begin to master the world of affiliate marketing.

Basic economics says that by satisfying demand, you earn your reward, or profit. Identifying demand in the online world may seem difficult. After all, there are millions of people looking for things and you want to be able to help them find it, and earn a commission in the process. But those millions of people are all searching for something, which means that you can find a nice little niche and fill the void and collect a paycheck at the same time. You aren’t limited to some geographic area in your hometown, unless you consider the planet too small of a market. Finding people won’t be hard. Finding people who want to buy won’t be hard either. Putting them together with their product is the challenge.

Next affiliate marketing tip is to have a line of products. I typically state that when beginning in this business, starting with one product is enough. It is and you should. But once you have the basics down, and some revenue coming in, start adding products to your business and helping more people. This gives you more customers and more revenue which leads to greater success.

Third point for affiliate marketing basics is not to put down your competition. Don’t get in the habit of bad-mouthing or making your business stand out in a negative way. This isn’t politics and we aren’t politicians. Mud slinging is unnecessary and will get you nowhere. Stick to the facts and learn from people who are better than you. Be a good student and prepare to be a better teacher.

Fourth point is to consider some customer service. Be prompt, courteous and answer the question posed to you. Nothing is more aggravating than canned responses that don’t address the original question, ignorant or disrespectful customer service in affiliate marketing.

The bottom line is to keep customers happy. Doing that ensures you have a great reputation and that referrals come your way which is better for your income.

There is risk in this business, just as there is with every activity in life. Take control of your business, get good at it, master it and make a difference. People will reward you for doing so.

I’m Dan Orr, an entrepreneur with businesses in real estate and e-commerce. I work with rent generating property and recently entered the online affiliate and money-making web based products world.


Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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